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Irises Poems - Poems about Irises

Irises Poems - Examples of all types of poems about irises to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for irises.
Premium Member The Irises and the Gun
Van Gogh's "Irises" next to a guard with a gun In a museum by the sea - It was to be a pleasant weekend excursion For my young son and me. I wanted to show...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, art, beauty, child, life,
Form: Rhyme
Irises of Your Love
Lovely darling, Another moon, Has sighed, With the irises, Of your love, Lovely darling, You gaze, To our moon, To ease your mind, And feel your love, Flow, In its deep glow, The maple trees, Are letting go, Of their summer leaves, As youre letting go, Of lingering tears, In the soul...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, beauty, moon, romantic love,
Form: Lyric

Irises With Gypsy Dresses
The irises, In van goghs, Dreamy canvas, Sway, Like lovely ladies, In purple gypsy dresses, To a still lilys sonata, As the roses and sunflowers, Sigh in vivid chorus, And hues Reynaldo Casison...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, nature,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Like Van Goghs Irises
The curvaceous, lake, The waves, shimmer, With evening stars, Like Van goghs irises, We sat side by side, One carefree summer, Ethereal, Its leaves, Swayed, Within us, And the moon glowed Reynaldo Casison...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, nature,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Irises
an asylum's garden~irises full of life without tragedy...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, art,
Form: Monoku

Premium Member - Irises - Vincent Van Gogh Painting -
~ iris blue ~ initially purple ~ protanopia confuse ~...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, art, color, flower,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Garden Fairy Bright and Glary
Garden Fairy Bright and Glary Garden fairy bright and glary Your floral displays glow With velvet irises kisses Having you stood on tippy-toe Where glorious irises grow. *+*+*+* 24th May 2023 Mother Goose Grows Up Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Miranda Hawley *+*+* ...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, fairy, flower, nursery rhyme,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Sip Those Coffee Irises
i sip those coffee irises which beckon my core sans a resounding wave or bawdy utterance the strong, robust urge a breathless yearning i stir that drink with a flirtatious cream i lean into his cup the grind of healthy soil a tasty, deep, romantic...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, imagery, sensual,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Purple Irises In Bloom
Amid the multi-colored tulips complementing my yard, purple irises raise their faces to the glistening rays of sun that filters through the tree boughs. iris eyes uplifted with hope red cardinal Purple Flowers Poetry Contest Nayda Ivette Negron Flores 5-30-2022...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, appreciation, flower, nature, poems,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Irises
Waving purple flags Standing alert at my gate New day is dawning...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, flower, spring,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Encyclopedia of You
I am reading your autobiography, the encyclopedia of you yet I remain a student of your sclera a pupil of your pupils a Vincent...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, love,
Form: Free verse
Window of Irises
a peacock thrills fourth infidelity blooming eye catching display...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, poetry,
Form: Haiku
When Irises Bloom
The days quickly fade easing into the flowers of early to mid-May, a glance across the garden's edge strewns the path where footprints wedge, the irises rise in gangly stalks tall buds forming as if in a...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, flower,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Bearded Irises
Bearded irises sway gently in my neighbor’s backyard A rainbow of colors—pink, red, rust, magenta and yellow Their large flags flutter in the soothing breezes laughing Like younger children playing games in the schoolyard They stand tall and proud...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, color, flower,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ekphrasis On Irises
orchidlike delicate petals ~ oozing in shades of teal and admiral are like dancing ballerinas hailing for the first kiss of rain whilst flaxen and golden grasses are softly cascading honey flowing where your footsteps go. ochre and mustard hues...Read the rest...
Categories: irises, appreciation, art, nature,
Form: Ekphrasis

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry