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Insulting Poems - Poems about Insulting

Insulting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about insulting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for insulting.

Her face showed he'd come off as predal Now it was too late to backpedal "Stupid wins prizes," She shouts, "of all sizes," Her handprint now worn like a medal...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, conflict, funny, giggle, humor,
Form: Limerick
Insulting Rhyme 6
You talk sht about me assume that you know me. With lies and sht. Like freaks with no brains That's what got your a**es in trouble with a COVID 19 In the first place. Y'all think y'all was the...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, anti bullying,
Form: Epic

Insulting Rhymes 5
Job Corp Your dirty as sin I don't even know where to begin My son been in need of tutoring you engored him instead He's been trying very hard to boost up his fail him instead. He passed...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, childhood, corruption, image, school,
Form: Epic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Insulting Rhymes 4
You got hit with a earthquake Not once but twice Because of your ugly hearts But yet y'all still violating How much more shame do you need For you to get it. Father dare I'm a grown woman of...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, anger, anti bullying,
Form: Epic
Premium Member False Apologies Are Insulting
When I have wronged someone in word or deed and know that I should make amends, I heed my OWN advice: Don’t wait. Apologize. I know, “I’m sorry--BUT . . .” is never wise! That small word turns apologies...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, character, forgiveness, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Insulting My Sanity
it's hard to believe... the bull taken as news... it is not a dream... 'protect the public... our goal'...the news caster said... what?...from the real truth... screw the news censors... t-rump supports killing children... millions...saudi war... f--k him...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Downright Insulting
Fifty per cent of Harvard grads opt for finance or consulting The percentage who go into teaching? That figure's downright discomfiting ~ disgraceful, insulting. The best and brightest manipulate money ~ Future...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, career, graduate, money, teacher,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Insulting His Advances
Your mind speaks of me as a naïve lilly you wear a fake swag, annoying and silly your forwardness I hinder little boy please surrender maybe truly a man but with a willy....Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, growing up, humor, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Insulting God
Every day I stress I worry my life a mess I have to confess Almighty God insulted My God must be exalted...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, god,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Insulting My Intelligence
There are things I can forgive I try to turn a blind eye Insult my intelligence? Don’t you dare even try! My intuition is strong It’s backed up by some facts So don’t try to pretend I’m not fooled by the acts Please...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, betrayal,
Form: Quatrain
Even More Sometimes Rather Insulting Foolish Footles and Somebody Please Help Me I Can'T Stop -
Lose the straggly beard: Hairy Harry! Apparantly, Mr. Ellison fell off the goofy tree and hit every branch on the way down..Grow up!: Whacky Jackie Ms Wong, as per your recent trip I here-to-forth-now-and-forever dub thee: Bonnie Connie (I BEG-YOUR-PARDON!...I'm a licensed dubber! papers...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, funny,
Form: Footle
The Insulting Mr Hyde
Mr Hyde As usual mr Hyde escaped from inside and insulted you of course he says i've lied but men are men and sometimes then inappropiate too true sorry Don For the ladies i've managed to insult :( ps you...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, adventuremen, men,
Form: Rhyme
Insulting Shocking Horror
Not many, will ever get, the pleasure, not many, will ever get, the chance, to be. Instead one is standing, in the place, of many, whom for all, fight for, those, to be free. Staying in unfamiliar, unwelcome...Read the rest...
Categories: insulting, war
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things