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Income Poems - Poems about Income

Income Poems - Examples of all types of poems about income to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for income.
Kitchen Weekend
her second income helping with slicing, peeling - Love packs orders with my Love...Read the rest...
Categories: income, business, cute love, devotion,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Rise In Prices
The rise in prices Price increase becomes Price adjustment But the rise is something different Unlike the tide It only rises And never falls It's seasonal Just like the durian Every year at least once With the Financial Report And Unlike the durian it seldom...Read the rest...
Categories: income, life, poverty,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tax Season
Income tax season Is no reason For utter despair Pulling your hair Shedding a tear Out of fear You’ll be broke -- Like most folk! written January 31, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: income, money,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Income Tax Information
Taxes oh why not and to do have forgot what will be next plot...Read the rest...
Categories: income, analogy,
Form: I do not know?
Poverty Trap
They tell them the reality of yesterday is their tomorrow Save the cries for different versions of sorrow The world is hash but there is a God who is omnipotent The world has abundance if they choose to...Read the rest...
Categories: income, africa, patriotic, political, pollution,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member When Tax Season Comes
When Tax Season Comes When tax season comes, I relax... not worried cause I have my facts along with a friend that helps to the end... my financial aide, Turbo Tax! So simple, it says what to do... just type numbers in,...Read the rest...
Categories: income, funny, money,
Form: Limerick
Federal Income and State Law
Federal Income and State Law It appears that something else we saw; Break Federal income and do state law; Our perception; No exception; Even when some one has a small claw. Jim Horn Which one is the most comfortable? a...Read the rest...
Categories: income, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Ubi, Never Let Needy Hungry On the Face of Earth
Like a statue I want to be, never have needs, or stems I want to grow, heavy with grains and fruits, a self sustained being, let us needy hungry not be. Since the start of time your...Read the rest...
Categories: income, care, change, giving, humanity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Ubi, What If I'M Missing the Necessary Solve It, Opportunity For Statues Short Version
On this UBI's Day, May 1st, to observe the greatest socioeconomic concept ever conceived. You can't have all you want but not having all you need, it's a pity, unworthy...Read the rest...
Categories: income, change, freedom, humanity, money,
Form: Prose Poetry
Ubi, What If I'M Missing the Necessary Solve It, Opportunity For Statues Long Version
On this UBI's Day, May 1st, to observe the greatest socioeconomic concept ever conceived. UBI, what if I'm missing the necessary. Solve it, opportunity for statues. Long version This statue down there, across me, don't know what hunger is and...Read the rest...
Categories: income, change, freedom, giving, humanity,
Form: Prose
Prostitution Her Source of Income
She exposes her body to a lot of people she experiments so that she is able to put food on the table.Her shift starts at sunset when the town is quiet and a few people...Read the rest...
Categories: income, depression, poetry, suicide,
Form: I do not know?
Shake me awake I swear I have been gone far too long Consumed by my own consumption Does that make me a part of something? Maybe comfort is lying somewhere in my possession but not in one that I...Read the rest...
Categories: income, addiction, angst, corruption, culture,
Form: Free verse
Better Household Income
?? Over there in the rural countryside where I'm at currently.... Gravel road, water and electrical woes are challenges daily.... Hardly any economic activities that bring in cash money.. Barring the staff in the usual government machinery... And those...Read the rest...
Categories: income, betrayal, community, crazy, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Infernal Income Taxes
The mickey mouse instructions were many, Trying to figure tax to the penny. From the very beginning, My clueless head...Read the rest...
Categories: income, confusion, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Income A little oldy gave me a dollar. I gave her two in return. The little old lady gave me two. I gave her three in return. The little old lady gave me four. I gave her five in return. The...Read the rest...
Categories: income, business, funny,
Form: ABC

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