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Hos Poems - Poems about Hos

Hos Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hos to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hos.
Premium Member Anatomy of a Date
... First date went great 'Til G.O.A.T. ate plate Second time was fine Then she broke spine Third time paid ......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, money, romance,
Form: Rhyme
Demon 'Punchers, Part Iv
...IV. Their faces looked shocked when they saw the flames, looking at each other for someone to blame, then Sol cleared his throat, and they look to him, their leader stepped out, his eyes cold and......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, conflict, corruption, evil, god,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Western Springs
... High-ho! High-ho! High-ho! it’s off to the pub and gig we go Willy Wonka ticket stubs in our hand on our way to see the band Climb the fence, jump the turnstiles into the crowd do......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, music,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Journey Called Life
...The best things in life are free, nothing from your pocket is needed *. Ray of sunshine on a cold day. Riding the ocean waves in the summer. A hug from the one you love. A good word. to give or t......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, food, inspiration, loneliness, universe,
Form: Free verse
Ho Ho Hos and Halls of Holly
...Christmas is the season to be jolly The holiday brings merriment and joys With ho ho ho's and halls decked with holly There's mistletoe and pine of loblolly Santa has many elves tha......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, christmas,
Form: Villanelle

Premium Member 15th's Crystal, My Dream Tryst Pal
...15th's Crystal, My Dream Tryst Pal! Due to our friends Michelle & Yedidia, Hos V' Shalom, My rough shell didn't get Rid o' Yah! Braving her high dive, Echoing catastrophe, Barbara cared! Leaven n......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, anniversary, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
The Corruption, Part I
...There is a corruption we all should abhor, It starts on the left, and corrupts to the core, Cancer of the soul, if left to go on, It takes bit by bit, ’till the whole soul is gone. Makes people......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, dark, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Zoan To Memphis
... Marvellous things did He in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan ... How He had wrought His signs in Egypt, and His wonders in the field of Zoan ... F......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, bible, slavery, truth, visionary,
Form: Narrative
From My Lips To Santa's Ears
...Santa, I have an important request. Please don't embarrass me with ho ho hos. If you'd looked at my face you might have guessed. I'm serious about fixing my nose. I can sense you are stifling y......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, christmas, holiday, humor, humorous,
Form: Sonnet
Trump Is a Close Shaver
...Trump Is A Close Shaver Trump is firmly fixed and will not waiver; He has orange hair and is a close shaver; To our dismay, He went astray, And thinks he is clever in each endeavor. James H......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Sessions and Recluse Himself
...Sessions and Recluse Himself Whole system Sessions is starting to abuse; To save hos own skim himself did recluse; We were horrified, That he had lied; Trying to settle things down and them di......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Slowly I Fade
...As I am slowly fading away My body grows weaker & weaker each day. Injections into my arms then into my other bodily parts. A needle been filled only with poison That's why with this poem my......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, abuse, care,
Form: Free verse
A Klingon Love Poem
...A Klingon Love Poem (In Klingon and English) tlhIngan bang bom tlhab (pa' tlhIngan 'ej English Hol) tugh mate beast qem jIH flesh, cobalt jIb tear rip metallic jeD rip ......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, abuse, adventure, beauty, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Words That Matter To Me
...I was waken up by the chickens with their kwukwukwu sound. I looked through the window and smiled to myself, the weather was beautiful. As I was looking I saw some men standing next to my neighbour......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, bereavement,
Form: I do not know?
Unopposed To Camel Toes
...or those of us who only watch I don't like ideas that would botch a camel toe define a crotch. A lovely notch. A lovely notch. When street-walkers show camel toes it's advertising 'cus they're "hos" and one's defined slit clearly shows just where it goes, just where it goes.......Read the rest...
Categories: hos, humor,
Form: Rhyme

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