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Hite Poems - Poems about Hite

Premium Member Marshmallow Clouds
...Masses of creamy clouds give me pause, in sweetest summer, as they drift away like honey dreams, in lazy days of slumber. Radiant, world class travelers, changing colors like s......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, appreciation, beauty, color, flower,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Jewelry
...“Your jewelry introduces you before you speak.” – Madison Gem Jade, pearls, and gemstones and pure gold wedding bands Enhancements that we wear on our ears, arms, chest and hand......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, beautiful,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Whitey Was
...Whitey Was By: Tom 1/15/2021 O-utstanding U-nfettered R-escued C-aptivating A-ffectionate T-eachable L-ively I-dolized T-rustworthy T-ops L-issome E-nergetic W-hite H-andsome ......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, cat,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Morning Dew An Acrostic-
...Morning Dew An Acrostic- Marginal misses shoot moist. Operatic airs announced mist. Red sprinkles scatter clear blue. Native airs convey moist. Involuntary o......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, analogy, appreciation, engagement, environment,
Form: Acrostic
Silent Sea
...W-hite cloud thirteenth February H-as left the night alone; E-vening shadows disappear, N-ew dawn comes to the Z-one. R-ugged wind disappears, O-ne ocean is nice to see; C-old chill has ......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Flowers and Champagne
...Fragile Fabulous Finessed Fragrance Luxurious Lavish Lasting Loveliness Overwhelming Optimistic Overture White Wintry Whimsical Whisper Elusive Enamored Enchan......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, appreciation, celebration, flower, happiness,
Form: Acrostic
Look At the Beautiful Face
...R-ise of the smiling sun O-pens the day with delight; W-hite clouds have appeared, E-ver pink skyline is in sight. N-ever mind yesterday, for it's brought to oblivion; A-llow your heart to ch......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Cake Complete With Candles
...C-ake complete with candles A-ims to thrill your heart; T-he twenty-third of October H-as made a brand new start. C-ake complete with candles A-llows you not to waste; S-weet moment makes y......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Every Little Thing Matters
...E-very little thing matters, D-on't ignore a single sign; W-hite clouds cover the sky, I-n the morn of May N-ine. B-ig or tiny thing matters, A-s you ought to understand; L-ittle thing ......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Bright Sky
...V-iewing the bright sky I-s getting out of the blue; C-old chill has disappeared, K-ind clime comforts Y-ou. W-hite clouds up above A-re nice twenty-third of July; L-ook at the wide lane,......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
As the Plane Soars High
...As The Plane Soars High E-arly Friday comes out, D-ecember thirtieth day; W-hite clouds up above A-re replacing the gray. R-ise of the sun begins, after the Thursday twilight; D-awn has ju......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
As the Beacon Brings the Light
...S-unshine in the morning H-as awakened you from slumber; E-arly beautiful new day R-ises to meet the fine weather. W-hite clouds gladly move I-n the wide blue sky; N-ovember twenty-eighth......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Another Dawn Is In Sight
...R-ise of the beacon begins, O-pening the Thursday with light; W-hite clouds in the sky E-xpose the sun so bright. N-ew morn March twenty-third thrills your heart and mind; A-llow the twilight......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Firm and Faithful
...A-fter the chill is over, N-ight is now passing by; D-ay one of March month, R-ain dwindles in the sky. E-vening darkness fades, as the shadows disappear, W-hite clouds up above are so brigh......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Final Toast
...At dawn on April 8, 1942, 16 B-25's flew from the USS Hornet's deck. Eighty brave men led by Lt Colonel Doolittle began their historic trek. A boost in national morale was sorely needed for the war-w......Read the rest...
Categories: hite, hero, war,
Form: Rhyme

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