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Historical Poems - Poems about Historical

Historical Poems - Examples of all types of poems about historical to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for historical.
I'm Only Four
I didn’t care when they loaded all of us into those trucks Why would I care, I was only four, after all I didn’t care when they stuffed us into another truck more packed than the last I...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, deep, history, holocaust, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Hear ye my voice: I'm the reporter Mary... With faith's venture, I am a spectator to a significant occurrence in history: a gruesome event, yet divinely sublime under sovereign territory... the crucifixion of the Saviour and Lord Jesus...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, christian, faith, god, gospel,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Premium Member in their voice historical
A father calls about the grand hall for his daughters. His premonitions serve him well, as Ana answers in due time. He tells her to tell her sisters that they are going to England, to visit their cousins....Read the rest...
Categories: historical, death, history, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member HOKKU to HIKU a historical sketch -and translation test
So Japanese was the Hokku   'til the master came into view then via Haikai on along the way Matsuo Munefusa   aka     Bashó   mastered haiku a phonetical&cultural 'onji' *(in sound symbols) came to be   traditionally per·pen·dicu·lar as a single line    ...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, art, culture, poetry, word
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Ten Historical Clerihews
Oliver Cromwell had king Charles beheaded; and earnestly prayed he’d go to Hell or there at least be headed. Maximilien de Robespierre was superstitious about beer and why? Because it is said, he noted how beer quickly lost its head. Mary Baker...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, history,
Form: Clerihew

Premium Member Absolute Truth: How Can it Be?
Absolute truth, both mystery… and paradox. “You make me wonder if you exist or not?” The Greeks glimpsed you in circles and squares, The medievals revered you in scriptures and prayers, The moderns doubted you in so many...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, faith, history, mystery, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Legacies throughout history A lot of mysteries Test of time Barriers that blocked Like or not Sometimes a mock Nonetheless historical voices can only confess Distinguished in understanding Cutting through anguish Concepts with promising abilities Philosopher’s thinking Accomplishments in sight Will was the way Opposition wanted to take...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, blessing, care, confidence, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Oiled and preened Plucked and tucked Everything as it should, no As they see it should be Plied with cloths of gold Piled high with gems and stones Their shroud of protection being more like a weight of confinement. Taking all your...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, analogy, corruption, fear, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Funny Slang a Historical Record May 18 !948
Jury Duty, such a response ability it's not this, that is hard for me, as much as my encounter with folks to or from their court parking lot... this entire experience is hilarious, both before or after court;...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, adventure, funny, spoken word,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 73 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Historical Hakims' Hit the Road
10 o'clock am the morning Quest: A country side bike ride. Molly woke Dolly and Damian. Woke Everyone on that July Morning of 2038. They had a Bicycle Expedition to tend to plus a newly Minted swimming pool...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, cancer, missing you, nonsense,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Historical 'Meta' For Re-Legioning
roman times meant... roam'n soldiers conquered villages... by killing the men and fathering a... next generation of soldier-sons to sacrifice... themselves for sake of the empire... first the father and then the son... became wholly ghost stans sand...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, metaphor, religion, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Historical Garments
flowing paenula brings ancient memory wisps gentle time pieces...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, clothes, history, memory,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Historical Upheaval
Counting History Days, months, years But history is not a mystical process You have written about the winners but what about the losers? You count history You count what is written, but the truth Is in the words that are never spoken You count...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, analogy, angst, bereavement, history,
Form: Free verse
Harlem Renaissance Haiku
Near nice allies need to confront this beast in the moment to be brave. Not in a memoir when you’re 75 and few feet from the grave. For colored people and all people of color start a whining...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Talking of Freedom Versus Turn-Key Unreason
Gb2 's a radio show, it airs in Sydney...But there's more to know.' Ben Fordam has been speaking out, on the covid dictates Roundabout on where the science meets the facts Whether it's all altruistic.? Or do...Read the rest...
Categories: historical, anti bullying, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

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