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Hink Poems - Poems about Hink

Hink Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hink to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hink.
Organic Faith : Advice To Myself
...First, followers find Focus on worthy "subject" Atributes of God as creator are meditation staffs Introspect: watch your heart. It will shock you Think of those in need......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, 2nd grade, anniversary, atheist,
Form: Acrostic
...E - arth trembling A - lert oneself but R - emain calm and don't panic T - hink clearly and remember H - asten to DROP, COVER and HOLD! Q - uickly, safety is a priority U - nto the safe zone A......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, 3rd grade,
Form: Acrostic

Solution and Remedy
...A-trocious R-abidity L-ets I-ndividuals T-hink O-f F-riendly A-ntidote L-etting S-olution A-nd R-emedy I-solate O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Bro. Arlito Falsario (June 18) Form: V......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Winter Haiku
...geese migrating south heading for warmer climates ~ honk and hink farewell white frost at daybreak sparkles as the sun rises ~ warm breath creates fog an ice blizzard blows weaving t......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, grave, snow, storm, tree,
Form: Haiku
Strong Conviction
...A-s you have strong conviction, N-o way will you lose faith; N-either will you weaken in trust, nor will you fall to devil's bait. S-trong conviction will never A-llow your heart to leave lov......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Cranberry Injection
...For John Hink I left your stool in my kitchen corner where you sat, a crooked grin on your weathered face that had seen a hundred sunsets. Fields you tilled by horse-drawn plows now contracted t......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, absence,
Form: Prose
Sparkling Eyes
...J-oy O-f S-parkling E-yes L-ets I-ndividual T-hink O-f G-ladness E-rasing R-ain O-f N-ight Topic: Birthday of Bro. Joselito Geron (January 15) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Amicable People
...K-indred A-micable P-eople A-lways T-hink I-n D-elight Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, brother,
Form: Acrostic
Divine Dawn
...T-hink O-f N-ewness Y-ou Q-uest U-nder I-ts D-ivine D-awn A-fter M-idnight Topic: Birthday of Tony Quiddam (May 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Literary Line
...K-nowledge A-dvances R-emarkable E-xcellence N-icely C-reating A-mazing M-ind I-n L-iterary L-ine's E-xceptional M-essage A-s B-rilliant A-crostic L-ets O-ne T-hink Topic: Bi......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Clean Heart
...M-essage I-nside C-lean H-eart E-xpresses L-ove L-etting E-veryone T-hink A-bout Y-our A-lmighty G-od Topic: Birthday of Michelle B. Tayag (March 01) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Right Mind-Set
...J-ust have a right mind-set, E-arly twenty-fifth of January; S-tay away from wrong way, S-o you'll be free from worry. I-n the memory of the right mind-set, E-very nice thought is fixed; C-orre......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Heart of Poetry
...H-eart of poetry A-ims to entertain readers I-n different forms. K-eep up the good work, U-sing old and new designs, S-hare them with the world. T-hink about the styles I-n composing verse or ......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, poems,
Form: Haiku
Food For Thought Oh No Too Late
...F ood for thought an interesting notion O ne requiring significant thought O nly then can I come up with D elightful poetry like I ought F irstly I must find the words O nly then can I begin R......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, food, muse, poetry,
Form: Acrostic
Replenishing Atmosphere
...J-ust U-se S-erene H-eaven A-nd T-hink A-baut V-ivid E-nvironment's R-eplenishing A-tmosphere Topic: Birthday of Jusha Tavera (November 09) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hink, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry