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Hardball Poems - Poems about Hardball

Hardball Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hardball to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hardball.
Premium Member A Shadow Of Hardball
...Ebon bafflement descended from the Sun-bleached sky; A penumbra of illuminated lies, this world needs to be reprimanded; A joyous ballet of obliteration; Fooled by the doe eyed sweetheart, t......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, emotions, feelings, moon,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Strange Vampires
... "Strange Vampires" all those years ago, when conspiracies flourished around did we or didn’t we go to the moon, when we were once human, proved to be lies, whicheve......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, humanity, muse, science fiction,
Form: Narrative

The Stamen and the Stigma
...Grandma had a garden that she carefully tended to she talked to her fruits and veggies as she made her walk through On this particular day my hardball went astray landed smack in the middle o......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, appreciation, caregiving, culture, family,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Lucy and Desi
... Lucille Ball Made us laugh, playing hardball With dingbat displays And clever, nonsensical ways! Desi Arnaz Caused mayhem with pizzazz Zaniness we loved to view As he broadened the hull......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, funny,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Opening Day With a Little Delay
...Opening Day with a Little Delay Take me out to the ball game Of balls and strikes - bloopers and perfect games; Basket catches, ERA’S, country hardball; Foul balls, the pick off, intentiona......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, baseball, celebration, sports,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member April
...Ushering in the tepid days of Spring; subservient to Mother Nature's call, April is the reason; sweet songbirds sing. Flowers await the rains April will bring from a mere drizzle to a f......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Have a Ball
...Throw it, roll it, Bounce it, pass it Dribble it, bobble it Kick it, toss it, miss it Pitch it, hurl it Heave it, sling it Fastball, slider Sinker, knuckler, curve Underhand, side......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, baseball, basketball, football, fun,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Oscar-Ku 22 - All the King's Men
...hardball demagogue ruthless big shot Willie Stark- women, gambling, guns Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved. Published 2018 in "Hollywood Haiku" via the rest...
Categories: hardball, america, anger, corruption, film,
Form: Haiku
Upset About Death of Bobby Kenedy
...Upset About Death of Bobby Kennedy Am listening to Hardball with Chris Matthews who had written a book about Bobby. Was a moment we may never forget; Our society had to pay another debt; A b......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Life's Experiences
...we often get up and fight for many things in life but in the end we fight and sometimes we lose but sometimes the decision is not always mandatory so when your time comes ask yourself what will ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, confidence, destiny, dream, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme
Zila the Chinchilla
...Zila 'the killa' chinchilla as he was known Sat in his villa on his golden throne He was a marvel a maverick a real joker A prancer, a chancer, a lifelong nonsmoker Our boy 'the killa'. Never m......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, celebration, confidence, dedication, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Getting To the Top
... Dirty three piece suit, walking with a vagabond attitude Unregulated behavior, got values that white collar pollute You do whatever it takes to get to the top Willing to pay whatever......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, business, career, identity, truth,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Football, Volleyball, Baseball --- a Nonsensical Poem
...Football, volleyball, baseball, softball, Racquetball, handball, basketball, hardball. . . . There're lots of sports in the world you play with a ball, And you can't play any of them if you're ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, humor, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
...I cannot stand playing hard ball, I'm a softball girl, ya know, Hard ball is for men, I could get hurt by the balls they throw, I would be too nervous to run to the base for fear that I would get h......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, baseball,
Form: Light Verse
I Am
...I'm from cute boys that break your heart to best friends that never will I'm from soaking up the sweet summer rays to chilling in the cool winter I'm from a softball hit 100 mph at you to ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardball, addiction, , cute,
Form: ABC

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry