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Hackneyed Poems - Poems about Hackneyed

Hackneyed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hackneyed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hackneyed.
Premium Member Poetry Time
... Poetry time Every line chimes Stop on a dime A buck for a rhyme What’s a meta for Similes are, like, a bore A terzanelle’s attractive Tho a vi......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, humor, inspirational, metaphor, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member run to fun
...My daddy—he once told me don’t ever play with nuns they’ll hit you with their rulers it won’t be any fun I snuck out of that prison and now I’m on the run Once freed from that schoolhouse ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, freedom, fun, humor, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Death of a Poet
...“When the pen falls silent that once danced to the muse’s command and when the poet’s heart no longer beats with rhyme, we realize that the poet in us is dead. It is a sad truth difficult to reckon.”......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, death, pain, poetess,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member Carny Day
...Its wet and drear in London dear, the pomp in on full trope Though hope is gone, not dead for Jesus is the only hope! Its foolish to trust in others; dopes.' In robes and words In fear and force, ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, angst, appreciation, dark, education,
Form: Rhyme
I Got Friggin Heebie Jeebies
...I got friggin heebie jeebies Cuz buzzards circle o'er me eyeing these lovely bones prithee id est Roy L. T. Canard, Si hence impossible mission to be lovey dove vee. Vague remembrances of ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, angst, anxiety, betrayal, community,
Form: Rhyme

Jinxed Jesting Jejune Junior Jobber
...Jinxed jesting jejune junior jobber... just jabbering gibberish (A - J) Again, another awkward ambitious arduous attempt at alphabetically arranging atrociously ambiguously absolutely asinine ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Always a Friend
...Poetry, You are Illumination! Not the point of descent but the ascending apex of God's triangles – you come to me, a bride...after the dutiful converse, you come to me, dear wondrous composit......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, friendship love, inspirational, language,
Form: Free verse
Far Away Went Countess Almaviva
...Muscle-bound goons. The kind that rape the world. Self-satisfied, in no hurry to devote their remarkable faculties to understanding another’s mind. Such wise men. Stares as blank as summer nights, re......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, poems,
Form: Free verse
Friday May 13th 2022
...Friday May 13th, 2022 An excerpt taken from a lengthy tome, written courtesy a favorite poet of mine. Paraskevidekatriaphobia struck within a blink, I swear yours truly never took a drink, ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, atheist, dark, destiny, gothic,
Form: Free verse
This Is Who I Am
...You will never fit in! is my everyday alarm . My emotions so hackneyed to that venom That like water off a duck's back has no effect. Hide away they tell me, because we cannot bare to look at you ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, abortion, anti bullying, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On Writing Poetry
...[A few years ago, I wrote this poem “On Writing Poetry” for creative writing students. I hesitated to put it on Poetry Soup, but I did some revisions and decided to share it with you. It was my inten......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Fresh Torrent
...Cookie cutter words so carefully cut and pasted on me are simply wasted. Their relevance defunct so silent deaf and mute someone else’s route. This romances brevity couldn’t even warrant ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, anger,
Form: Rhyme
A Hackneyed Love
...A hackneyed love, now I know, my heart's a treasure, I say no more. your eyes on the chequebook like ice on a cake, none you give but loads you take, Dear you made it look grotesque. act ......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme
Cry of a City
...Wake! Kokura to a novel world of peace Under the canopy of dark divine clouds A million deaths and a zillion days of sufferings Ah! Flown to a distant land While the holy hands patting your shoul......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, death, fate, fire, world
Form: Free verse
Lockdown- 26th Day
...No; I'm not unhappy I never cry on Lockdown system I'm not crying more now 6pm to 6am The virus likes to be wanderer In my city I am happy in pangs Opening window Air with daylight comes m......Read the rest...
Categories: hackneyed, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

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