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Groot Poems - Poems about Groot

Groot's Grand Green Gallivant
... Young Groot, a small sapling so keen, Said, "I am Groot!" to a big bean. It rolled down the hill, Groot yelled, "I am still!" Then tripped on a tiny latrine. ©bfa031925 ......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, character, cheer up, film,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member 400 conejos
...chill howls slit needles from firs and steer whimsy puffs to shade the moon like accordion blinds summer's last dying gasps just below the treeline snippity snap dragon spits spark......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Long Armed Groot
...A long armed Groot at the root of this fruit/ The strong alarmed the wrong loot and followed through against the coup/ Flipped script is ridiculous as I re-jiggle this penned mess/ Stripped it’s ......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, adventure, analogy, art, celebrity,
Form: Rhyme
You Deserve
...Hey Gorgeous Being You deserve to breathe easy You deserve amazing food You deserve love What is Below, is Above You deserve heaven Bread that's leavened Butter, Love, Honey, Fruits Shade -......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, 12th grade, allusion, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme
Your Father In Hermanus
...Where the hefty lumps of fat? Eyes strain through kaleidoscopic beams As he takes in the scene. Frayed Lonely Planet clasped tightly Knuckles whitening. 'a breeding ground for one of the larges......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, addiction,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Baby Groot Faces Mountain Troll
...He came down from the mountain to find a wife. He looked under toadstools, pulling them up by the root. Go get somebody who can stop him, we screamed with strife. Someone came running back with ba......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Rainy Days
...Rain, Rain, don't fall continuously. Go, Go ,go away instantly. Too much raining can cause flood. Living creatures can die and lose blood. Sometimes rain can give happiness. Sometimes it can tur......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, earth, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Groot Limericks
...Groot Limericks Groot is an alien tree being So tall you just cannot miss him He obsorbed a bomb blast Protecting friends from fall fast And regrown in a pot from one limb Groot would onl......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, character,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member First Time Limericks
...First Time Limericks I tried but couldn't write a limerick So reckoned to be just very thick I thunked ever so hard Got myself into a mard And looks like it may done the trick ......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, fun, self,
Form: Limerick
Free Will Eats the Fruit of Knowledge
...Most would have you to truly believe, That I hated gOD, both you and them...Naive. I don't have pure hatred towards him, However I do have disdain, so I must parody his hymn. No longer shall we ......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, christian, god, heaven, jesus,
Form: Prose Poetry
...Net soos Noag, David & Abraham word dissiepels van die ware lam. Net soos Johannes, Lukas of Filamon leer die word en vertrou net op Hom. Leef soos Titus, Markus & Daniël wys vir almal dat God m......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, bible,
Form: Quatrain
...Wen Deelnemer-wenner van tong en van lip wys my hoe my kanse my dalk mag ontglip Gereed en gesond en geoefen - Daar staan die groot opponente. Elkeen in sy baan Gespierd opgewarm - hul intim......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, courage,
Form: I do not know?
My Alles
...My blou bul “girl” Sy gee my die “thrill” Sy is die ene, Sy het die mooste bene. Die een vir wie ek lewe. Sy is my alles. Baie beter as Jacque Kallis Die rede hoekom ek slaap, En opstaan in d......Read the rest...
Categories: groot, love
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry