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Grenade Poems - Poems about Grenade

Grenade Poems - Examples of all types of poems about grenade to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for grenade.

Let's Leave It There
You left in anger and despair with hand grenade words thrown in the air how much you didn’t effing care although I knew that wasn’t true a heavy door had slammed shut behind you so I looked up to the clock for a minute then began to stare at shrugging...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, 12th grade, anger, care,
Form: Free verse
His Arm Blown Off by Grenade
what we had forbade arm blown off by a grenade body in grave laid ...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Forgiveness Comes Last
I want your forgiveness to come last: You often go back to a sin too fast. I could you with soldiers grenades blast And later pained flag fly at half mast, Even as onlookers are aghast; Of the sorry...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, bullying, cat, death, evil,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Linked With Four Arab Terrorist
He does not treasure his link With four Arab Terrorists: Men who’d pretended they could think But for their savage strikes, Humorists… He shall his thoughts bare and not blink “His haters now whisky glasses clink And in The Blue Sky...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, death, integrity, memory, violence,
Form: Rhyme
Frag The same old feeling The same old issues By the same old feeling Why do you still take it? I ask myself each day Better the Satan you know The **** beasts me Each and every day I should’ve been a Marine Than an...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, abuse, america, anti bullying,
Form: Verse

Punica Granatum, Not So Fast
PUNICA GRANATUM Yes, in Paradise, Adam and Eve ate pomegranate No, to apple-etymology - No, to The French "Grenade" No, more or less 613 seeds (sorry Pharisees and thy 613 Law) Yes, Malum Granatum, no origin in Carthage, Latin...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, appreciation, beauty, god, nature,
Form: Clerihew
The Mermaid With a Grenade
Along the shore there was a maid who brought to the boat a grenade- fear ran through the men, ...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, silly,
Form: Limerick
Grenade Lob At a Mob
Grenade Lob at a Mob Of course I am watching MSNBC and came up with this. A grenade should give a long lob; Can completely destroy the mob; Of Trump rid; God forbid; President sucks and is some snob. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Mind Grenade
Walking through a field of mind grenades I think of all the explosions & how many X I have died Perhaps I was sleepwalking when I laid the mines under the light of the...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, allegory,
Form: Free verse
Grenade- Bruno Mars Parody-The Macca's Version
Grenade (The McDonald's Version) -Please note some things/words may not make sense to somebody who has not worked at McDonald's :) Dump dump dump and salt, that is all I do Fill the fry hopper and make...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, parody, me, me,
Form: Lyric
Touch Quartet 4: Framentation Grenade In the House of Love
The frenzy of neon kisses, pinkly afterburns on imagination's smouldering cigarette, searing tongue savoured lips. A diamond white smile, ghostly rictus upon snowing TV screen's grey deadlock, feverish hands clenched on thrusted hips. The feather-light touch, delicate summer breeze, balmy sexual calypso...Read the rest...
Categories: grenade, imagination, mystery, passion,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry