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Greer Poems - Poems about Greer

Greer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about greer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for greer.
More To Jack and Jill
...Jack and Jill, Went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down, And broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. We all know, There’s more to go, About this well disaster. Jac......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Disclosure Project U F O
...The disclosure project and Dr Stephen Greer He claims he's debreifed almost a thousand On U F O events through the last twenty years? I have listened to testimony that challenged My mind.? Is som......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, character, creation, dark, growing
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Propinquity - First Place Contest Winner
...Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate. Germaine Greer In the orbit of ne......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, analogy, appreciation, care, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sweetheart
... Last but not least is my granddaughter Greer: she is a sweetheart, so loving and dear. To reach full potential would be providential, but when she’s around, I feel God is near. ...Read the rest...
Categories: greer, appreciation, granddaughter,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Life On Pause
...Some days do not go quite the way that you planned; surprises will often fall right in your lap. Today, such a day, but all ended quite grand; inflexible schedules can become a trap. So did I l......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, family, life,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Autumn Begins
...Autumn Begins I stand on my porch eyes raised into a pallid sky like Greer Garson on the Cliffs of Dover watching her lover's Spitfire cross the channel. Geese gather in the bay. Daily p......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, autumn,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Earth Investers
...I have occasionally wondered what is so controversial about the World Bank. I understand protesters travel from all around Earth to wave placards outside World Bank meetings and I wonder why they ......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, destiny, education, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member 68
...Guns, or Bobby covered in Rosey Greer, or Monterey Pop, Or I'm one years old, The Chicago 7, or DNC, PR Vietnam, or The Man on Moon in Motion. The Alarm sang 68 Guns.......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, change,
Form: Blitz
Around Me
...I sit in the park NO one here IM the last my mind so tired Yet moving so fast I can feel YOU the REAL you before you passed SAVE the moment make it last Your HEALTHY body in wonderful HEAL......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, death, emotions, feelings, loss,
Form: Rhyme
Career Mum
...Would Joan of Arc be a post office clerk In the year of two thousand and four? And Lady Godiver, if we could revive her Would she mop the kitchen floor? These heros of history, make my lifestyle ......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, angst, career, humorous, inspiration,
Form: Light Verse
Faeries of the Greer
...Hear the sounds like tip toes? It goes round about the “Hoots of Aspen” Twith torn and tatter twos If you look to coming nightfall Shadows short, but spry beneath the moon And you'll see a crop ......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, fantasy,
Form: Ballad
Church Bells
...Church Bells Once I lived in a charming English village, near an ancient church, every Sunday morning on my only day off, the bloody bells chimed. Thought I saw a woman cycling to mass in th......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, funny, history, peace, social,
Form: Blank verse
To Michelle Greer
...Thank you, thank you, you’re one of a kind This is for you so enjoy the rhyme You opened our minds when we were just guessing God must love us, because you are a blessing You donated your time, most ......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, happiness, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Seventy-Sixers
... When Philadelphians wanted to see a basketball game, the “Warriors” was their first team’s name. They had several players achieving great fame. Familiar names included Joe Fulks and Paul Ari......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, history, sports, basketball,
Form: Rhyme
Carry On
...No matter what you are going through, do not let life get the best of you. Take up ypur greer and put it on, live your life, be tough and strong, just carry on. Yes carry on, live life to its ......Read the rest...
Categories: greer, devotion, faith, hope, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme Royal

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