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Grayed Poems - Poems about Grayed

Grayed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about grayed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for grayed.
Premium Member Clothes Call
...Does that old clothespin feel the cold Worry about its aged look Sun dried, rain tinted, grayed Does it think about the “clothing” Children’s flapping diapers Growing to blue jeans The “old......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, clothes, life, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Death Never Mourned
... On the outskirts of a long-abandoned country town beyond the crumbling headstones and elmwood trees is mounted a dark dismal figure of what used to be a scarecrow whose limbs flail in Autumn's b......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, farm, introspection,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Solid Gray
... Solid gray skies Over daylilies trying to bloom Several different species so colorful Open only a day, live life to the fullest What have I done with my nearly 29,151 d......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, thanks,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

... In the depths of desolation where death is presiding in a smug kind of cocoon of parasite, lies, a heart of calcified care, buried deep inside a grim stalactite of unrequited te......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, art,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Vanilla Dove
...Cypress trees like evergreen steeples rise above rows of gravestone woes, their shadows lie side by side like railroad ties across writhing paths banded like snakes; gravel birth cords sinuous ......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, bird, death, grief, hope,
Form: Free verse

Serious Sibling Subluxation
...Serious sibling subluxation... rapprochement somewhat salvaged dislocation Truth be told about following poem mostly written quite some years ago, and revisions made to recreate and revise ......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, absence, age, angel, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
...Earth's final day came unexpected It wasn't heralded, nor was it detected The skies suddenly bled with starry rain And everything living started to feel pain. All lands and crops begun to decay......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, death, earth, evil, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Window
...Outside my window the leaves of Autumn change color and wait for Winter, as they inch closer to death Inside my window, I see my reflection in the window's pane I too wait for Winter where my s......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
...pardons for the beggar he knows not what he trades witness to the rapture a feather for a spade preaching him a savior what alms that would've made words to sate the hunger though wordlessly h......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, city,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Little After Valentine Love
...They take a walk together in the morning They watch old TV shows They fill a picnic basket and drive to a spot down by where the river flows. They walk along the beach…sometimes barefoot in the......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, love,
Form: Rhyme
Woman of the Wasteland III of III
...From ruined halls of a corrupt little apartment I flee with my children, trailing after me No more the hard hand of hate On my back or deciding my fate No more crack n ruined dishes No mo......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, abuse, allegory, allusion, analogy,
Form: Free verse
...Loyal companion whose racing paws & booming howl is heard before she is seen. A wonderful addition to a family who’s known loss. Grayed from the years, you still seem playful and spritely, ......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, break up, cute, dog,
Form: Metrical Tale
Premium Member The Glories Near
...** THE GLORIES NEAR ** Here! The Glories have arrived from far as east from west. The Glories come riding mists To lead us leaping over our discontent; over waves lost from th......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, faith, god, humanity, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Prayer
...An old man, grayed, glasses off is praying at his soup. A small apple and stale bread is near by, his interlocked fingers are the proof... That God does exist, and his presence is ......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, beauty,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dark Veil
...A dark veil O'er eyes and ears Have set phrases to stun. Standards for me Omnipotence for thee, Tripping over grayed limping liberty, Crumbling to a blurry pause. Trekking through a Field o......Read the rest...
Categories: grayed, political,
Form: Political Verse

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