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Goddammit Poems - Poems about Goddammit

Goddammit Poems - Examples of all types of poems about goddammit to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for goddammit.

Premium Member approximation of love
... two plus two is five that would be inaccurate however precise he loves me he loves me not goddamm......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, love, lust, meaningful, perspective,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Mother Said
...How many times must I tell you, monster? Goddammit, I think it must be the twelfth. Again! With mud on your feet, in you traipsed. You are making me extremely angry.  Goddammit, I think it must......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, humor, mother son,
Form: Pantoum

Premium Member science lesson at the school disco
... the music was pretty flat ~ but her sun shone in stereo that day mono was never enough for me ~ double vision leads me astray anyway i couldn't stop staring ~ inner man gave the game......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, 7th grade, growth, perspective,
Form: Monoku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Sometimes, I catch glimpses of the future. It’s never very bright. Well, that’s alright Because on cold winter nights Any warmth is welcome to greedy fingertips. It comes from the fire-ten......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, moon,
Form: Free verse
City Dream
...One hot summer day, Unable to bear the scorching heat, I was lying on the floor In front of the portable fan, and I saw My neighbour's two year old boy Toddling in with uncertain steps. He ha......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, april, art, atheist, aubade,
Form: Free verse

My Wallet and I
...My wallet, Made of shining black leather. I bought it a decade ago, From a Lacoste shop. It fitted well in the rear pockets Of my blue denims. It was happy, Stuffed and loaded with notes, Of ......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, anniversary, anti bullying, april,
Form: ABC
...Always awake, Always alert - Ignoring every bit of hurt. Feeling all the mortal pains Caused by all my mortal ways; It's always more than I can take. Make it stop, please, for my sake. For goo......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, art, pain,
Form: Rhyme
:you and Your Perfect Life:
...You and Your Perfect Life. You boast. Walking the halls like you're the host of this school. Well you're not. You smile. Everyone lovingly despises you but they always wanna stop and talk awh......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, anger, anxiety, child abuse,
Form: I do not know?
Virtual Life Metrics
...I spend time with a friend well, a pseudo-friend an acquaintance of sorts no, I guess he'd be a friend, ****, who knows one of those types you never really share your heart that authentic......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, friend, world,
Form: Free verse
I Meme, Therefore I Am
...forgot what I had set out to remember when my deconstructed self discovered there was no authentic anything saw through it all every granule how we became the unwitting tools of smarter people w......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, crazy, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Reckless Beauty
...Reckless Beauty She was beautiful in a ruthless way A punishing God's unholy creation Taunting men with a brutal lack of conscience The whole world was in love with her and she couldn’t c......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, angst, conflict, fantasy, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
True Lords
...And then I saw her start to dance… Feeling ‘In-France ', I sang- entranced... "Once in a whole year she orders the pizza!" "The rest of it she's spinning in place saying chichineatza!"......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, angel, art, easter, education,
Form: Prose Poetry
A Poem Toy
...I don't have toys And I don't care for any of them either. Well no, I do. After the death Of my friend Dasvina Lee and I loved for a Baby doll. I asked to my mother if she could buy One for me w......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, childhood, fear, girl, mother
Form: Free verse
Ordinary Doesn'T Speak To Me is some double-edged sword love is some cliche that still sounds good riding off the tip of your tongue into the space of darkness hiding in crawlspaces love is a blindman beating at my do......Read the rest...
Categories: goddammit, angst, introspection, love, me,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry