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Gobble Poems - Poems about Gobble

Gobble Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gobble to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gobble.
Premium Member Gobble, Gobble Turkey
I was thinking - why do we eat turkey ? The history of it is just quirky, eat veggie pizza, why not; home made- from the oven hot, why not forget about gobblers perky ! Oh, turkeys run, run...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, thanksgiving,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Gobble, Gobble
Gobble, gobble Tom Turkey said hurry up and get out of bed today’s the day we run away or we’ll be stuffed with hot cornbread...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, bird, cute, fun, giggle,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Gobble
Gobble Gobble gobble, that's what they say, nearly every day... I go out to greet them. I go out to meet them. I go out to feed them, I need them, as they make me...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, christian, cute, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gibble Gobble Between Friends
We gibble-gobbled fast and furiously Like race cars that are about to pile up Three friends meeting at a restaurant Where people are supposed to wear masks but aren’t. All of us not waiting our turns, so...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Go and Stretch a Puppy's Tail - With Apology To John Donne
Go and stretch a puppy's tail, Get with rice a manioc root, Tell me if sun will buy moon a veil, Or to who he gave her leather boot, Teach me...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, humor, parody,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Gobble Gobble
Gobble gobble ho ho ho it's the language of the season Time for long johns, mittens also coughing and sneezin' Kissing strangers in the street Blubbering emotion you excrete Mostly it's time for a “you, your wife and Santa”...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, holiday,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Three Course Turkey Deal
A former Oiler once said Staying out of debt Give up being a bum Fill up my son Call yourself a titan And go do some fighting Years then passed While pumping gas This entrepreneur...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, america, appreciation, giving, holiday,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gobble the Breast
Gobble the breast if you can get it off the leg. What is going on? Asked Pirate Captain Sleg. Honey Butter dressing will be great on the finger. Thigh drippings will make you want to linger. The platter looks...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gobble Gobble
Why-why in God's name were you unleashed time and again to rape our community empty eyed mug shot walking time bomb filled with hateful snot ...and the judges of these mad men sitting in their sterilized cloud high above the...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, thanksgiving,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gobble Gobble
turkey vultures clean-up on route seventeen tails and a tire John G. Lawless ©7/30/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, bird, humor,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Gobble Gobble Ho Ho Ho
Gobble gobble ho ho ho it's the language of the season Time for long johns, mittens as well as coughing and sneezin' Kissing strangers in the street Blubbering emotion you excrete Mostly it's time for a “you, your wife...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, christmas,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Gobble-Oscopy
The “gobble-oscopy” When the chef succumbed to his bottle twenty turkeys escaped without gobble took an apple and stuck it where no one would pluck it so the chef giving chase could but hobble John G. Lawless 11/23/2016...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, thanksgiving day,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Screech, Coo, Or Gobble - For Contest
Screech, Coo, or Gobble –for contest The Dove!! What would we do in the darkness of icy winter sit cold and hungry listen to its inane cooing? The Eagle!! The lofty hermit… soaring above - alone screeching at the wind unapproachable aerie dweller. The Turkey!! Ah, the...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, humor,
Form: Free verse
Gobble Fun-- Lets Eat a Ton
Stuffing, pickles, olives too A wishbone for me and you Cranberries and pumpkin pie Dig right in now, don't be shy Dark or white meat, it's your choice Every things juicy and moist Mashed potatoes, carrots, squash Peeled, sliced, carefully washed Football games...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, holiday, thanksgiving, together,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Squawk Vs Gobble
A man had a parrot that talked so bad A worst vocabulary no one had The man attempted to make correction The parrot threw epithets in every direction Finally exasperated in a fit of rage The man pulled the parrot...Read the rest...
Categories: gobble, funny, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme

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