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Goatee Poems - Poems about Goatee

Goatee Poems - Examples of all types of poems about goatee to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for goatee.

Premium Member I Love Her Goatee
I met her for the first time nearly twelve years ago, I never knew how much joy she would bring to me There's one thing for sure that I just didn't know, I'd fall in love...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, dog,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member He Wears a Goatee
Know this guy well because it's me A writer of fun poems, I wear a goatee Appreciate the accolades You guys I'll never trade You're the greatest bunch of bourgeoisie...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, fun,
Form: Limerick

Cover Up Fashion
Why not grow, a goatee or a beard if you think, you look really weird Why not wear, those three-quarter shorts if you think, your legs look like warts Why not wear, no belt with your pants if you think,...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, crazy, fashion, health, image,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Goatee Beard
Goatee beards look good Very sophisticated as they should So sculpting on the face Carefully trimmed so in place Usually worn by older men Tinged with grey a distinguished blend. © Paul Warren Poetry...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, humor,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Stroking My Goatee
Retirement ain't all it's cracked up to be Finding things to occupy my mind is key Like chasing young fillies Plying them with lilies And watch them melt and stroke my goatee...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, happy,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member He Wears a Goatee
Know this guy well because it's me A writer of fun poems, I wear a goatee Appreciate the accolades You guys I'll never trade You're the greatest bunch of bourgeoisie © Jack Ellison 2015...Read the rest...
Categories: goatee, fun,
Form: Limerick

Book: Reflection on the Important Things