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Gnomes Poems - Poems about Gnomes

Gnomes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gnomes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gnomes.
Premium Member Grandpa Gnomes Reading Rule
Papa gnome had one rule when he read a book. No one could eat another animal in their nook. Owl came by to hear this one when he saw the mice. Planning his gulping down strategy, not so...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 10th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gnomes Post An Ordinance
The gnomes passed an ordinance saying what they would accept. Many of them ignored it for they did not want to genuflect. It’s not a choice, the queen said. Post it on the big oak trees. If a...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Gnomes
I love the gnomes I m drawn to them One time I had twelve I named all of them I named him Chris He holds a gift for me Another one I named Charlie I have a tumbler With gnomes and hearts shapes When...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, celebration, heart, valentines day,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Scaring the Gnomes
Witch Joyce had a contest with Wormwood, the warlock of choice. He had stated his cauldron made better brew than that of Joyce. Their cauldrons created conniving concoctions that tempted and dared. The rest of the villagers, gnomes...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Two Best Friend Gnomes
Two best friend gnomes, Scotty and Knotty Went to Florida, and were pretty naughty. Their girlfriends found out and acted haughty Their names were Marilda TeeHee and Dotty. We can drink if we want, Scotty said on the...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Garden Gnomes Showing Love
Gorgeous garden gnome with spring flowers Loving his life, standing in April showers Enjoying his perspective of daffodils so new Gentle rains send him some morning dew. Frisky female gnome shows him some love Leaves behind a memento, a left...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Way of Gnomes
The gnomes of olden times carefully hung the sun and moon up in the skies. Growing gardens by their light provided garlic, and sweet pumpkin delights. Hoards of squashes and gourds for making many tools; Gnomes are truly no fools. Little ones planted seeds and...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fantasy, myth, nature, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fairies and Gnomes
In the land of fairies and gnomes Was a gnome often seen on the phone And an up to date fairy With armpits quite hairy Like all ballplayers were spit prone...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fairy,
Form: Limerick
Rain and Snow
RAIN AND SNOW I hear the sky thundering, And the clouds weeping, The clouds are draining sorrow and refilling joy While we all on the earth enjoy . Now the clouds have gone and the sun is...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 6th grade, appreciation, rain,
Form: Prose Poetry
Rain and Snow
RAIN AND SNOW I hear the sky thundering, And the clouds weeping, The clouds are draining sorrow and refilling joy While we all on the earth enjoy . Now the clouds have gone and the sun is...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 6th grade, appreciation, rain,
Form: Prose Poetry
Mobile Groans
In my coffin I will have no phone At last I shall be free like new born babe But how will people hear my mobile groans? Who shall write my story on a stone? I...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 9th grade, humor,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Our House Our Home
OUR HOUSE OUR HOME All my years I have been a sensitive soul, But life throws curved balls- things take their toll, However, if I’m handled with a touch of magic And kindness, I look upon this approach as...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, home, house,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Gnomes
Most days I'm in such a hurry to get home Then sit around and do nothing or play with my gnomes Love my little friends Playing games of pretend My gnomes try to trick me by playing their trombones...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, fantasy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Gnomes and Faeries In the Hall
Gnomes in the bedroom, faeries in the hall. Fey folks all over, none of them are too tall. Night time magic giggles hilarious to me. Of course mischief galore, everywhere you see. Nefarious gnomes cannot be reasoned with. Brownies join...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Gnomes
I enjoy my gnomes They live in my garden Every day I look out Keeping watch on them To make sure they're safe g Each one has a name Jack the mountain climber He scales the alps at a slow pace Never reaches the...Read the rest...
Categories: gnomes, garden, paradise,
Form: Sonnet

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