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Glaciers Poems - Poems about Glaciers

Glaciers Poems - Examples of all types of poems about glaciers to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for glaciers.
Premium Member Of Patagonia
When you ask about my trip, what will I say? That the river waters are milky azure, surging from melting glaciers Glaciers pressing through granite masses So huge they might be clouds held tightly in valleys of fearful...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, imagery, longing, nature, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Glaciers dance with Newton's laws
In the stillness of frost, the glacier rests, Bound by the law of inertia’s quest. Silent and steady, it clings to the land, Until gravity whispers its gentle command. A force unseen begins the glide, Massive and ancient, it cannot...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, nature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member melting glaciers
down the mountain side glaciers calving in meltdown ~ sweltering planet...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, environment,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Glaciers Speak
The glaciers swept over the corridors of North America standing in the back yard of Alaska they carved out the great lakes in Alberta, British Columbia and Montana and, gazes at you from...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, america, business, community, deep,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Composition
I feel the great dog approaching, playing his rhythm on the usual sway of the deck, a counterpart celebrating the sky and water that holds us. Beau, tongue lolling in tune with temperature’s wand, has come to lounge after his morning...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, animal, creation, environment, water,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Glaciers' Grandeur Amidst the Poetry Business
My poem was about innocent hearts not purloined, perfumed farts 'Twas about forever lingering kisses not everlasting, beer-induced pisses Verses extoling glaciers' sheer grandeur ...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, beauty, business, poems, satire,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Glaciers Crack
what’s our breaking point when tested under pressure if egocentric 18-October-2021...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, muse,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Shape of Water- Glaciers Speak
Here they are before me, surreal in the dazzling morning sun. Against clear skies of brilliant blue, these tall glaciers of Alaskan ice, stand heavenly before my eyes. Their marbled, glistening whites- arcane crevices and jagged peaks, stir visions of...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, imagery, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Antarctic Meltdown
majestic glaciers the hottest day on record— Antarctic meltdown...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, environment, future,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Soul Glaciers
From time to time aye Heavy glaciers crush us so ...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, encouraging, humorous,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Alaska Glaciers
Glacial hills rise elevating fervid sights Mesmerizing desires adorned turquoise blue Arousing cobalt passions in sapphire heights Floating cotton balls on melting cyan hue. Above your scenic view gloats the sunlit sky Lifting eager vibes upon hearing my sigh Urging the...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, nature,
Form: Rispetto
Stranded Glaciers
stranded glaciers tear drops stranded glaciers rolling stone balls from my eyes bat drippings in the cave canyons have all run dry i am but an thimble setting on your thumb take me on an ride hide me from the sun my poems are like an buck it eight seconds for an ride shouldn't take you that long to see we are but a waste of time under manned fear facers stranded glaciers ?...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, art,
Form: Lyric
Stone Glaciers
stone glaciers it dont mean nothing nothingness means me questions of what have we what have we transparancy murkier what closet doors knob "try to set the night on fire" blazes follow echoes through brokenness which flame am i answer the lunacy answer the me end answer him not at all be sheetless with me stains rose...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, art,
Form: Heroic Couplet
Premium Member Glaciers Are Weeping
For thousands of years, ice giants were sleeping. But now, these dense “blue ice” glaciers are weeping. Warnings that in many ways bear repeating. Global climate change speeds glaciers’ retreating. In Alaska and Glacier National Park, The melting of ancient...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, emotions, environment, green, imagery,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Glaciers - Pleiades G
Glaciers Gargantuan ice walls Glassily reflecting Glistening, churning seas Grasping the edge of frost Gripping softened sea beds Growling in disbelief Grimly accepting fate. 12/2/2016 submitted to – Pleiades G – Poetry Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: glaciers, environment, nature,
Form: Pleiades

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