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Gift Of The Gab Poems - Poems about Gift Of The Gab

Gift Of The Gab Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gift of the gab to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gift of the gab.

Premium Member Blarney Stone Collab-MORE ADDITIONS
...If anyone would like to have some community fun, please send me a limerick(s) in a comment or soup mail. The famous Blarney Stone, some can't resist When in Ireland, it's on tourist's che......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Make Me a Winner
...Few and far between doggerel delights Google gets it with sesquipedalian surprise Forgive and forget gift of the gab The sweet spot isn't always wizardry with words So vis-a-vis what's tried and ......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, art,
Form: Verse

The Gift of the Gab
...I am not sure when I was given the Gift of the Gab, I know my brother was first to take it out of the bag, As soon as he was able to grab. It took me longer to take a peek into the bag, But wh......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, age, america, appreciation, baptism,
Form: Carpe Diem

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Torturers Go For Victim
...They had for him come in a cab: Mister Sabinus for short, Sab, A guy with the gift of the gab To receive wounds or the wounds grab... If only he'd leave fast - A Crab! He'd prevent what handk......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, bullying, character, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mask We Wear
...The Mask I wear is of a Comedian Not showing the world I hurt For when you laugh or cry looks the same Sarcasm is rooted in pain. The Mask I wear is of an Introvert Being lonely than risk not ......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, muse,
Form: Free verse

Love Poems Great Talkers
...Great Talkers Those blessed with the gift of the gab Are really found without Love As everything they say To a prospective suitor Sounds like a Love Poem Designed and written especially......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, lost love,
Form: Free verse
My Inimitable Brother -A Tribute
...He was light of Complexion But that was only a Reflection Laughingly he was not a complex Man That was the fast race he Ran On his feet he could Think This would be the Link Of yet another busi......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, bereavement, brother, death, eulogy,
Form: Rhyme
Friend - a Gift To Self
...A friend I'd like - someone like me Fun and cheeky, full of integrity. Gardening lover, nature attuned of life's useless baggage pruned perhaps also a crafter of words Enjoying too, the flight o......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, friend, humor,
Form: Rhyme
The Mouthpiece
...They call me gobby I’m just all mouth It’s like my hobby You can call me ralph I got some larrup I don’t shut my trap It’s like I gallop This gift of the gab I’ve got more mouth The......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, conflict, emotions, humor,
Form: Rhyme
The Return of the Master
...The return of the master. Sadly, it is not the master himself It is the victim of the trade in the shelf. The return of the master. The man in black Has a heart that's dark To the race of the......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, beautiful
Form: Rhyme Royal
I Know Why a Dumb Fights For Freedom of Speech
...The man of eloquence With all the aptness of words And craft of speech Silently sits on the fence Holding his tongue tight And see the fun when tasteless Jokes being cracked upon The poor, weak......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, freedom, sound, spoken word,
Form: Free verse
-the Greens of Africa's Foot-
Categories: gift of the gab, nature, parody, green,
Form: Free verse
Transfix Em
...Dare to look em in the eye, By eye you will transfix em, Looks slipping, getting older, why, Personality must, be arisen, Handsome once, but long ago, The prince becomes a frog, Gift of the ......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
Anatomical Complaints of a Lover
...My eyes you conquered with the might of Alexander, Puru I gladly became at that thunder. My heart a plaything became at your hands, Unconditionally surrendered I time thousands. My lungs hype......Read the rest...
Categories: gift of the gab, me, me,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry