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Get By Poems - Poems about Get By

Get By Poems - Examples of all types of poems about get by to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for get by.

Premium Member You Can Get By With Murder
I scoff when I hear people say “You can’t get by with murder.” You can. Serial murderers prove that on a daily basis. Sometimes DNA evidence found thirty years later exonerates a prisoner. A victim who was incarcerated...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, murder,
Form: Free verse
We Will Get By
Keep smiling through these hard times And keep your head held high It’s a crazy world right now But somehow we’ll get by Think of all the good things Like not having to wash your hair Or wear those tight jeans You...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, cheer up, family, friend,
Form: I do not know?

Well I'Ve Learned To Get By
Well I’ve learned to get by yes I’ve found out ways to survive in this jungle I’m not a kid, you can’t fool me I know the score, as you can see I wasn’t born yesterday But there’s got to be...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, stress,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Why Just Get By
What would you do if I walked out on you? Would you stand up and sing out of key? I'm really quite sure if you did this to me I would sit down or stand up and dream how to be. Do we need...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, adventure, birth, class, culture,
Form: Lyric
When All You Can Do Is Get By
Thrown in the midst of a raging storm Waiting in line for hope to be reborn Life was once a world of endless possibilities Then was crushed with the weight of hopeless realities It’s the moment I think everything’s...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, faith, life, pain,
Form: Lyric

Get-By Guy
I’ve always been a get-by guy, why excel when you can be sly? Are three hours study for an A-plus, better than one, for an A minus? Why climb a hill when you can thumb, running and rushing is just...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, life, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
I Get By
I get by in life with a little help from friends I’m never alone...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, friendship, life,
Form: Haiku
We Will Get By
I was all excited when I heard you were on. I sent you positive things to decorate your wall. I gave you pictures to remember the loved ones lost. We have chatted and started to catch up....Read the rest...
Categories: get by, recovery from..., father, me,
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Strong Get By
My mind is fried My soul is weak. The passion in my heart wants to break. The courage I lack I make up with faith. Love is a stepping stone we all must take. Open your heart clear...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, faith, father, heart, father,
Form: Free verse
"you'Ll Get By"
Fighting the feelings, Hiding them inside. Trying to find a way to get on by. Trying to live my life without the worries and sighs. Trying to pass the time without the pain and cries. Sometimes its hard to believe, But...Read the rest...
Categories: get by, confusion, family, hope, loss,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry