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Gerrymander Poems - Poems about Gerrymander

Gerrymander Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gerrymander to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gerrymander.

Premium Member The Country's In The Very Best Of Hands
...The purpose of authority is to remain in authority, not to dispense justice. (Anonymous) There are lofty careers such as chef or physician, But none is so low as a politician. We vote to send ......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, political,
Form: Political Verse
Maga Became Maggot and Did Tag It
...a call had been close after we would put on clothes went out door we close when we did tag it MAGA became a maggot applied tourniquet would be sinister sermon said by minister about being......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Excessive Amount of Horn Haiku
...of things d\found the scope peace has existed with hope even if a dope did a bin blooper had become a storm trooper real super duper together did click with such a good looking chick wh......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

What Did You Do
...What did you do to be white Why does that make you always right Born into privileged by race The humanity you disgrace Two thirds a human being by law Jim Crow skirting its flaw Civil Rig......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Do Away With Electoral College
...Do Away With Electoral College With others for office should fairly contend; Remove electoral college and rules amend; Take a gander, At gerrymander; We must only use popular vote in the end. ......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Pander Republicans With Gerrymander
...Pander Republicans with Gerrymander We found Republicans to be a philanderer; And presume do like to bother and pander; Create pain; Went insane; Have gone far out and would gerrymander. Ji......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Gerrymander Offers Predominance
...well-tried trickery: helps bogart most of the seats with the least votes gained......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, political,
Form: Senryu
Ways Which We Will Unravel
...Ways Which We Will Unravel Are some ways which we will unravel; When in House hit head with a gavel; Slander; Gerrymander; Then leave and on a long trip travel. Jim Horn Enough Tough Stu......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
The Abc's of Politics (For Better Or Words)
...The ABC's of Politics (For Better or Words) (SMILE! They aren’t misspelled.) Aboulomania. Bahadur. Caducity. Dapatical. Ecmnesia. Fabulist. Gerrymander. Highbinder. Ideopraxist. Jobbe......Read the rest...
Categories: gerrymander, funny, political
Form: ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry