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Gassing Poems - Poems about Gassing

Gassing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gassing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gassing.
Premium Member Our bravest neighbour
...Sara beaumont? a k a nichola charles.' hosts a podcast (view It in your own backyards)or on the couch; in motel on airplane as you go' Shes one of those neighbours stars? Of tv fame ya know..! Wel......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, appreciation, courage, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Usa Is Not Perfect
...The USA is not perfect never has been never will be Unlike Russia, which has ‘no alcohol problem’ ‘no civil disobedience’ ‘no LGBTQ populace’ Not to mention no truth i......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, america, history, international, leadership,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Youth
...A youthful face, but no brains: Time the deceiver – I think back, to all I thought I knew that it has taken me a lifetime to unlearn: Oh the labyrinths the spirit travels!~till at last realizi......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, christian, funny, humorous, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Letter To My Hater
...Written by: Rodgers Ja Brown Why you gassing dawg Why you coming to my table without asking dawg I know you hate me with a passion I ain't mad at y'all Jealous and envy shall follow you You st......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, change, feelings, fire, fish,
Form: Acrostic
Chlorophyll Drunkard
.... Every calibration I do, Blur to emerge the one weirdo. Every navigate does syntax, Oh, so higher at parallax. I creep with my scornful envy, And I know why they do beauty? Because of an ......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, beautiful, earth, environment,
Form: Kyrielle

Premium Member Fartasia
...Once upon an outhouse dreary, while I strained there, lank and leery of creatures scary down beneath the privy floor-- As my veins were close to popping, suddenly there came a whopping rush of air......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Last Train To Auschwitz
...A vast sea of doomed, skeletal walking dead board a train bound for Auschwitz; of the 1,019 aboard, 549 were children.......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, dark, history, horror, truth,
Form: Free verse
...Elements in me are found in the sun. These same stars power the atmosphere. Is this why you keep gassing me? When it is all set and done, I want to stand in your sun`s and eat your love, to un......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, appreciation, art, courage, creation,
Form: Free verse
Many Hikes With Three Mikes and Many More
...Many Hikes with Three Mikes After I had gone on many hikes Ended up with these three Mikes Meant to be, Great all three, Who I do know everyone likes. Who I do have a Hoopy Do Review. Ji......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Atheist
...The Atheist believes in Rationality He mocks all religious emotionality Calls it the opiate of the masses, pie-in-the-sky The snake oil of sinister ministers, insidiously sly Whereas Hu......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, abuse, humanity, life, murder,
Form: Rhyme
Battle Rap
...I see you got expensive shoes, But you couldn't pay someone to screw you. You walk around all day thinking you're hot as fondu. Yeah, you got cheese, And you think that makes you an OG. Well, le......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
March and Fight
...Mothers getting their breast cut off so they cant feed their children in need of a natural right so i will march and fight against apartheid throw away the suit and tie lace up your boots an......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, anti bullying, corruption, growth,
Form: Lyric
The Old Girl
...The Old Girl Yep, I bought her back in the 30’s, Right in the middle of the depression, Man who sold Lizzie to me cried real tears, I’ve remembered that through the years. Many a mile she ha......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, car, character, memory,
Form: Light Verse
My Grandad
...My grandad was there when I was little; My grandad would always make me giggle; Telling jokes, stories and tales, my grandads love has never failed. In Alder Street or at the flat, my grandads l......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, childhood, family, grandfather, grandparents,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Made In Neonazia
...Made in Neonazia Life wrote you and I this poem on a sunny day of watching penguin’s colonies bathing on the beaches near Cape Town A splendid display of harmony of sun ocean and tourist attrac......Read the rest...
Categories: gassing, evil,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry