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Gaming Poems - Poems about Gaming

Gaming Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gaming to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gaming.

Eturknity's Legacy
Eturknity's Legacy In the shadows of the neon light, Eturknity rides, ready for the fight. Rolling through realms, where legends arise, A gamer’s heart beneath the starry skies. With every challenge, he aims for the throne, In memory of...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, dedication, endurance, giving, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Yawning All Morning
Millie Brown was 12 years old. Who didn’t like to do as she was told. She didn’t eat her greens or even brush her hair, As she’d spend all day sat in her gaming chair. Oh how she loved...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, addiction, child, education, for
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Back of Dad's Chair
The back of Dad's chair is black like a void, its mid discontinuous of solid support. Cushion coils creak as his weight shifts, his interest unhinged from light hypnosis. The scuff of rough wheels rub fine lines in ...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, absence, addiction, child, dad,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Sin
The young man though it was a sin When shooting crap across the bend So, he swallowed the dice Paid a healthy price Stomach dice was his only friend...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, fun, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Gaming
Gaming Written: by Miracle Man 11-16-2019 Oklahoma is saturated, with Indian gaming casinos. People go, hoping to win, some jingle for their chinos. Commercials make you think, that everyone is winning. Everyone jumps up and down, and no person isn’t grinning. But what remains unseen, are...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, games, grief, hope, how
Form: Lyric

there it is paper always beats rock but what shocked me was aces high and we tried to apply but then again the topic of lets play life but number and even left right there dumber i thought shoot i've been messing up this game all my life...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Cyber What
Cyber Sunday Cyber Kraut is served Cyber Baby goes down for a nap Cyber Relief felt by Cyber Mommy Cyber Grandma is Surrounded by Cyber Children Video Monday Video players at the table Video battles, Bow! Bam! Bing! Sing! Video children Video World Video Land No one...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Queen of Mean
When I grow up I shall be queen. I shall rule in the meanest way possible. I shall lure my subjects to the castle in groups of two hundred and thirty-seven. I will...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Distant Boy
Do you know how much you mean, To the distant boy with a gaming screen? I don't thank you enough for how much you care And I'm sorry about that, I am I swear But promise...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, emotions, for her, i
Form: Free verse
An Unlikely pair We're in the same place You're lonely, I'm unhappy But Never face to face We revert back to childhood In a silly, fancy world Of creatures and goblins Healers and Knighthood For a moment we are carefree and filled with excited...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, absence, break up, children,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Gaming Online
It usually takes me an hour to drive to the shore. If the traffic is heavy, it may take a little more. Along the boardwalk and marina, there are many a casino. I can take my pick with...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, games, internet,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Online Gaming
If you want casino action, you no longer have to roam. Slot machines can be played in the comfort of your own home. A recent bill has been passed as a law in New Jersey. Online gaming is...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, business, games, loss,
Form: Rhyme
Gaming (acrostic) Give me that controller, I command with a shout After this game and don't be a lout Modern Warfare my dad adores I know what I like, it's Halo 4 New games and new tactics we must learn...Read the rest...
Categories: gaming, childhood, happiness, home, passion,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things