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Fusion Poems - Poems about Fusion

Fusion Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fusion to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fusion.
Flames of Love
I played on the phonograph, some serenade, I was listening to it, while I layed. The serenade with my feelings created a fusion, Then I stepped into the world of my delusion. She was holding my hand tightly, This made...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, 10th grade, april,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member blazing fusion
blazing fusion liquid water tidal forces three heavenly bodies give rise to one...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, earth, moon, ocean, sun,
Form: Tanka

The Fusion Of Time
If the past’s not alive The future is dead With memory starving Hope’s promise unfed What yesterday gives us Tomorrow awaits All hope in the transfer Of destiny’s — fate (The New Room: November, 2024) ...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, destiny, fate, time,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

In Regards to Advancement
Isotopes of a larger part Extractions or Variants isolated to its Purity Clustered to fuss and Burst or reburst into a Larger reaction Each moment of a second is Then equal from end to end Moreso that its stability to endure can be made...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, science,
Form: Bio
Premium Member A Fruitful Fusion
I was aspiring to be a professional dancer, which had long been my dream, As rogue planets head out on their own, from the stars that reign supreme. I was awash in unbounded enthusiasm, like yellow sunshine's...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, dance, dream, fantasy, imagery,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Fusion
My being sparkled in the gleam of your love Made for my lone life the second shadow When you were by my side Embracing my yearning essence fulfilled I lost my shadow in fusion with yours I then knew...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, feelings, love,
Form: Free verse
Fusion Is Also a Genre In Folklore
Fusion is also a genre in folklore. I am a perfectionist. You may address me there. Father in bad habits, brothers in curtain in carts Outside chores are somewhere, in outside doors. ...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, corruption,
Form: Free verse
Time and Pleasure With the Right Fusion of Flavors
sometimes i want ice cream other times i want chili mac soup on alternative days i want a simple salad drenched in bacon ranch sometimes i want an ocean view other times i want a mountain view on alternative...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, appreciation, for her, inspirational
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Maha Power Fusion
When was the last time you heard or saw or felt MAGA group-think capable of deep globally transformative systematic responsive yet not reactive thinking and feeling and touching and seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting health grows safer more resilient cooperative wealth? Actively searching for benign multicultural indigenous wisdom Even...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, culture, earth day, health,
Form: Political Verse
Con Fusion
Dick Flaccid lived a Mary life Though Bible teachings caused him strife He hoped someday Someone would say, "I now pronounce thee man and wife!"...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, culture, word play,
Form: Limerick
Love Duality In Unique Fusion
the utmost love of all is the one that transmutes the loved one into you and you into the loved one... That's when the coupled ,metamorphoses into one by the merger of love...!...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Fusion
flying freely far firefly finds the shining star --- marriage of mime minds 03 July 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, satire,
Form: Haiku
Con Fusion
The Wailing Wall is standing tall So men may bang their head and bawl But burka girls Must hide their curls So no one can see their tears fall...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, religion,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Elemental Fusion
Fine fringes of the wave-less sea, Wherein sky meets water gladly; Breeze touches their hug and whisks, As though tenting there would bring risks; Passions, into waves, curl and break, Surfaces of earth quake and shake; Flames of fiery...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, earth, environment, fire, nature,
Form: Lay
Premium Member Earthmuse Fusion
No one loves alone, sings EarthMother Muse. No individual person no isolated incorporation or musical composition, No monoculturing society, No individual nation or religious denomination, No Father's WhiteTheistic Orthodox ChosenPeople Church or SinFree Synagogue or Patriarchal Mosque or Black Lives Assembly, No transcendently triumphant Kingdom Hall lives inside...Read the rest...
Categories: fusion, health, loneliness, loss, lost
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry