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Fries Poems - Poems about Fries

Fries Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fries to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fries.
Premium Member I heard of your demise while eating a cheese burger and fries
When I first heard of your demise, I was at McDonald's eating a cheeseburger and fries. And when the newscaster said you’d died when an elephant crapped on your head, it didn't come as a big surprise. ...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, 12th grade, death, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Fries And Burgers
Feeling kinda cruddy, yup, that's the word Too many fries, too many burgs When will I learn I can't handle that stuff Stomach rebels, starts causing a fuss Once could eat nails and all kinds of gunk Now I eat...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, food,
Form: Free verse

The Fries
Tomorrow I’m eating fries, Marion, It gives me full of pep, Yellows, walleye, salty, I will eat hot fries. Tomorrow I’m eating fries, Marion, Belgians, sweet flamingos, Walloon girls, redheaded girls, Out of the oven, all hot. Eating fries is not stupid English, golden,...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, food, fun, girl,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Copy Fries
Before I became a bag of potatoes I used to be as pencil thin as any salty chip. I had a pencil thin mustache, pencil thin legs, pencil thin neck, in fact all my appendages were said to be pencil thin. You...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chips
Waiting for chips* Hungry at noon Vinegar, salt Use a fork not a spoon Eat by the sea Where the waves are unhurried Peas that are mushed Sauce that is curried Two slices of bread A chip butty create Overloading my buds Luscious carbohydrate There are...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, fish, food, sea,
Form: Rhyme

Mayo and Fries
The whole world knows that Adding vinegar to chips and fish Turns the whole offering into An almost Earth shattering dish, But how many people know, How many people realise The amazing effect to be had By adding Mayo to your...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, food, joy, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cheesy Fries Hot
Cheesy fries hot Cheesy fries cold Some like them hot Some like them cold Cheesy fries in the fridge Nine months old...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, nursery rhyme,
Form: Light Verse
French Fries
A giant portion of French fries Can make a meal auspicious, So crisp and yum but, no surprise, Not really too nutritious. Of course, I have to recognize This choice is not judicious But it is worth ballooning thighs For something so...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, food,
Form: Rhyme
French Fries, Salt, Paprika and Ketchup
Crazy. I thought of those recurring words. the ones that always come back. will they one day save me? nonsense as a simple interjection. or the last word of an old movie. the way my mom says 'never'. or a strange last...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, food, simple, teenage, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mrs Fries Tries Another Job
Frazzled more than dazzled by her new employer, Mrs. Fries. This weird job she had taken was worse than her last four tries. She could not believe they were progressively rude and unkind. The plausibility of this possibility...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, jobs, work,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hot Dogs and Fries-
Those hot dogs and fries It's warm and enjoyable. It has a salty style And an awesome mustard ketchup Yum! I eat them all up 7/5/20 WRITTEN WORDS BY James Edward Lee Sr. 2020©...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, analogy, appreciation, food,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Black Ice and French Fries
Northern vagabond winter is coming to peck you apart it has a black ice heart as it kisses your blue lips the blood will leave the limbs to protect the soul of the heart. but city people won't bring you...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, home,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Want Fries With That
Have a degree in psychology “Do you want fries with that?” This is today's world so what's ahead, what will be hatched Life at the bottom Sadly till autumn Then we sail off into the sunset but there are...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, sad,
Form: Limerick
Burger Fries Wings and Beer
Burgers, fries, wings and beer, All my family and friends are here, Ice cream, cake, pizza and pop, It looks like the food will never stop. Every Sunday always the same, We share the love while watching the game, Are you...Read the rest...
Categories: fries, celebration, sports,
Form: Rhyme
Sweet Potato Fries
Categories: fries, crazy, irony, social, society,
Form: Rhyme

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