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Freeman Poems - Poems about Freeman

Freeman Poems - Examples of all types of poems about freeman to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for freeman.
O free man, you live with ease, Unfettered by restrictions or disease. Your mindset, so unburdened, true, Keeps you from the things that ensue. But do not let your freedom bring, A careless way of doing things. Though you're not bound...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, hope,
Form: Sonnet
Morgan Freeman Got It Right
There is no… African American history, Native American history, Irish American history, Italian American history, German American history, Chinese American history, Hispanic American history, or White American history There is only American History —and Morgan Freeman...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, america, history,
Form: Free verse

Tears of a Freeman
Tendrils that soothes the river bank, on a gloomy day - askance look, hangs high like steam on their faces. What begets this - a synergy? Myriads of thought runs aloof our threshold!...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, abuse, celebration, corruption, evil,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Freeman Cave
I cherish my freedom Hard earned though it was Through the abolitionist railway And those who supported the cause An African slave, though free upon birth I was sold as a slave And was now bound to the earth Run for the caves...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, africa, america, freedom, prison,
Form: Lyric
Morgan Freeman Got It Right
There is no African American history, or Native American history, or Irish American history, or Italian American history, or German American history, or Chinese American history, or Hispanic American history, or White American history... There is only American History, --- and Morgan Freeman got...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, america, history,
Form: Free verse

Freeman Tale
In writing this down, to not make you frown. Pretend all is good, as all stories should. The story to unfold, of a tale yet untold. Long ago glory, of hardened men and some gold....Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, adventure, men, night, dark,
Form: I do not know?
You Don't Control Me. I Am Not Your Bowing Slave. I Am A Free Man. Even Though You Seek Control, You Know You Cannot Break Me....Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, life,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member A Wretched Haiku For John Freeman
when it is sincere there's nothing else more power full than 'couragement ~~~~~~~~~~~~ thanks, my friend, agape and namaste ~N...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, friendship, thank you,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Heart Power Vs Brain Power (Dedication To John Freeman)
If human brains hold such high capacity Why is the use of intelligence scanty? Some claim telekinesis and ESP Are available to them quite readily While others have trouble writing and reading Is intellect defined in unborn seedlings ...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, dedication, social, visionary
Form: Couplet
Marriage (For: "give Wisdom It's Beauty a Couple of Lines" Contest Sponsored By: John Freeman)
Marriage Beneath the moon two lovers share their dreams. Before daylight blinds an eternity of sunbeams. © July 12, 2010 Dane Smith-Johnsen...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, introspection, love
Form: Couplet
For John Freeman: Godly Limerick
Look at me; I am so successful! I am nothing save for Jesus' blood! Have no god before Me Love God first then your neighbor If you love Me, serve widows and orphans....Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, devotion, faithgod, god,
Form: Limerick
I Love It Here ( Tag To John Freeman)
Why thank you Bill for tagging me To write a poem for soup family I love it here, i'm having a ball My dream is to inspire all I've made great friends along the way Such talented soupers, i must...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, social
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas Miracle In the Ghetto (Co-Written With John Moses Freeman)
Peering at the radiating faces of happy families So much joy emanates from well-to-do children’s sparkling eyes Wish I could replace the grief, put smiles on the faces of my sons Without a glimmer of hope even promises...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, family, holiday, hope, upliftingme,
Form: Narrative
' Modern Moses (For John Freeman) ... ' 45th Senryu
That One, Parts Red Sea This One … Now Points To Set Free Moses’ Poetry … ...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, adventure, allegory, dedication, devotion,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member A Promise To God (Co-Written With John Moses Freeman)
Come December 21, two thousand and twelve On the winter solstice, mankind may burn in hell As man's Creator, I've sent multiple warnings Nostradamus, the Mayans, Hopi Indians All believed there was still time to reverse this course But My...Read the rest...
Categories: freeman, devotion, faith, forgiveness, upliftingworld,
Form: Rhyme

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