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Fray Poems - Poems about Fray

Fray Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fray to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fray.
Premium Member Teutoberg forest pagan fray 'tree worship' and today,,,
arminius a German vassal prince, offered bait.' Of the best. More Land in Germanica off to their west.' Two legions decamped And were led on their way, by this dastared arminius villian Of that day' his warriors...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, appreciation, dedication, education, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Stormy Fray
My Child, I Need You to Realize, When the Storms of Life Threaten Security Like A Predator Stalking it's Prey Unpredictable Devastation May Occur But Storms are not Here to Stay When Peace is Plundered, Security Shattered In...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, life, storm,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A F
A female flinging foolish frowns away, affably allaying a fray. ...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, woman,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My Fray
Here I sit, diving into some wits, my mind over, at this time Looking for some intellect to jot down Then, I came across these words in my mind. It is with the muse,...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, anxiety, conflict, courage, deep,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Guard Your Heart
Guard your heart. Don't give love away or the pain will smart and your heart will fray.. Don't serve your heart on an open tray or some may come and cart pieces away.. Keep open your heart to give...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, heart,
Form: Lento

Premium Member Fray Plunge
This spectacular location. Keep looking for grace. Always and continually. All of us noted the creative ideas. That brings a sense of joy. These are my main worries. That halts your progress. Making up for the emptiness. Written: July 24, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, analogy, appreciation, conflict, friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Above the Fray
Beneath a willow, children play Sun shining brightly, a fine day, Observe our lovely neighborhood So peaceful and calm, all is good Problems? We live above the fray. Written May 23, 2022 Submitted to "Bite Size Poem No. 45" Poetry...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, peace,
Form: Quintilla
Soulfully Pray
Soulfully pray And you won’t go astray: With your bent knees’ offer of luminous ray You always shall see as to not end up Satan’s prey Nor the sought dish on his demons’ tray With soulful prayers you sniff a...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, christian, happiness, health, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Grandma Got Into the Fray
Smunky was being followed by corn puffs that were chunky. He threw some into banana trees which were guarded by monkey. Irritated monkey threw back a two by four, camera and brick. Smunky was angry now, He yelled...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Into the Fray
I have withstood this austere year Waiting on skies which never clear Shadows away Fingers restless for an hour's peace Scrapes gold flakes from a drying crease of papier-mache Random resistance too refined Leisure, a luxury consigned To yesterday Now, tart impatience I require Passive...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, courage, motivation, recovery from,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Premium Member Allie Leads the Fray
Allie was her own person, so the rest of the galaxy leapt back. They knew she could take care of herself with her platinum swords. She was quicker and stronger and mightier, that the rest of the...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, 10th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Into the Fray
"I am the master of my fate", I just hope that I'm not too late. The way I've lived like "Dorian Gray", You wouldn't know me from the fray. The position that I've taken, is one I should have forsaken. That...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, visionary,
Form: Rhyme
The Call of the Fray
Inspired by the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight" by Dylan Thomas and the following quote by William Shakespeare: “When he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, death, dream, love, sleep,
Form: Villanelle
The Fray
The sparrows and cardinals squabble - hedgerow turf wars. Sudden low evening rain. Do the trees weep, or does the sky? Anger seeps into drywalls fills eyes with a restless acrimony. Yesterday the sun was a brightness on the wrists of small...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, poetry,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Trixie Jumps Into the Fray
Nutter Butter. Almond Joy, Mounds Bars, and Cherry Mash. Those candy manufacturers know how to name to get their cash. We contenders scoff; we snicker and sneer. The toymaker crazy idea brigade has just arrived here. Someone throws out,...Read the rest...
Categories: fray, funny, humor, muse, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

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