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Stormy Fray

My Child, I Need You to Realize, When the Storms of Life Threaten Security Like A Predator Stalking it's Prey Unpredictable Devastation May Occur But Storms are not Here to Stay When Peace is Plundered, Security Shattered In Disarray Scattered and Tossed In The Tornadic Stormy Rapture To Redirect, To Renew, To Wash Away Decay I Offer You A Parasol of Faith for the Rainy Days It May not Hold Up Against Strong Winds But It Will Shelter Hope, Like Elder Folks Often Say; "The Storm May Rage for A Season, but It Isn't Here to Stay". Storms are Necessary Obstacles Strategically Placed in Our Way Wetting Stones Planted Props For Life's Orchestrated Ballet Restless Child, I Know You Long to Run Wild Outside, Tumble, Scream and Play But Rain Is Wet For Both Meek And Wise, The Weather Forbids Today! When The Tempest Rage, Thunder Bellows the Jagged Bolts of Light Display Selfish, Careless, Ungrateful Vices of Your Inner Judas Ourselves We Oft Sabotage, Ourselves We Oft Betray Storms Amidst to Keep Us Alert, Fragility of Our Frames Becomes Primal Concern Gather Around, Clutched Hands on Bended Knees To Pray Falsehood, Crookedness, Cultivated Resentments Designed to Separate and Lead Innocent Souls Astray Come Oh Come Stormy Winds, Drive the Filth Away! Shambled Communities Crippled By Storm Devastated Debris, Weather Beaten Mothers Drenched In Sullen Dismay Overcoming Rubbles, Barely, With Tear Streaked Faces Vulnerability on Nude Display, Forlorn and Haggard, Denying Defeat, Just Another Leak To Keep Her Focus and Grounded on Her Feet, To Nurture and Comfort Innocence Who Will One Day Lead the Way Let Not your Confidence Be Swayed The Winds Will Calm The Rains Will Cease The Covenant Renewed, Gifting Hope and A Stormless Day!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/2/2024 12:48:00 PM
This reminds me of a Seer Prophesying in a comforting address. It is sheer beauty and wisdom. The power of Mothering forces under wing and battle standard, hope and gorgeous beauty. Skill upon skillfully penned. "A masterpiece." The future will reveal this.
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Juju The Dragon Avatar
Carlene Juju The Dragon
Date: 3/4/2024 6:09:00 PM
I Truly appreciate your insights, support and comments. Thank you!
Date: 2/29/2024 12:15:00 PM
Dear Carlene, Your poem is a powerful reflection on the tumultuous nature of life's storms and the resilience needed to weather them. Your imagery and poignant metaphors beautifully convey our struggles and the hope that guides us through. Your message of faith and perseverance tells us that storms are temporary and serve to renew our strength. Your poetic voice is heartfelt and profound, offering peace and inspiration to those navigating life's challenges. Keep sharing your wisdom through your poetic artistry. Blessings, Daniel
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Juju The Dragon Avatar
Carlene Juju The Dragon
Date: 2/29/2024 9:25:00 PM
Thankyou Daniel For Your Kind Words and Keen Eyes, I love playing with words....We are All Connected, Spirit and Ink!...Blessings!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things