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Founder Poems - Poems about Founder

...Staunch is our Lord, friend anywhere, True friend, like jewel, precious and rare, Everlasting blessings guides, Accept true love at our sides, Devoted to leading to divine, Founded great faith,......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, appreciation, encouraging, faith, friend,
Form: Acrostic
Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir
...Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir Faheem Fayaz, a trailblazing entrepreneur from Kashmir, has emerged as a transformative figure in the re......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, appreciation, business,
Form: Free verse

Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir
...Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir Faheem Fayaz, a trailblazing entrepreneur from Kashmir, has emerged as a transformative figure in the re......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, appreciation, business,
Form: Free verse
Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir
...Faheem Fayaz: The Visionary Behind Kashmir's Leading Social Media Agency, Influence Kashmir Faheem Fayaz, a trailblazing entrepreneur from Kashmir, has emerged as a transformative figure in the re......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, appreciation, business,
Form: Free verse
Sappho Translations IV
...Sappho Translations IV by Michael R. Burch Sappho, fragment 133 translation by Michael R. Burch Blushing bride, brimful of rose-petaled love, brightest jewel of the Goddess of Paphos, come t......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, friend, joy, love, marriage,
Form: Free verse

...PRAY Poem Lionel Derbyshire MY LORD MY LORD .. GOD loves you non stop By day .. By night In sleep or wake By walk or carriage In defence or peace By stay or wander In broad daylight O......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, angst, bible, care, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Liberating Trilogy: Jamaican Shining Stars!
...She is known as Honorable Queen Mother Nanny. The lady was so sweet as sugar candy. Enhancing the fight, smiling with much delight, knowing her cause was right. She was the awesomely true Westward ......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, adventure, confidence, courage, endurance,
Form: Other
Premium Member Gangster disciples home invasions survivor
...As I lay on my sofa after returning from traumatic brain injury pain management NEUROLOGISTS my therapist drove me to my appointments today was the day they installed over 60 wires probes glu......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, allah,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Rattie Behaviors Chihuahua Mexico
...Growing up in Chicago I always knew I would save lives from drugs and gun violence I just didn't know how perhaps it started at 13 I got off the elevator on my way to school there is was noto......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, allah,
Form: Naat
What crosses the line
...What crossed the line with you Was it something said or a thing to do Did you suffer it in silence made And wonder at the next escapade Is it a memory held deep down That surfaces like a buoy ......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, anger, angst, life,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Beginnings
...I: Provisio in scriptura (provided in scripture) The Lord made us from the Earth's crust, He creates that vessel blood's line, each of us from ashes, --from dust, blood flows, soul, min......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, analogy, baby, imagery, life,
Form: Rhyme
Some more Questions and Answers Q and A part seven
...Q: What does happen to believers in Christ Jesus if we deny him before men? A: Whoever, is ashamed of the Son of Man and his teachings, he will be also ashamed of in the presence of his......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Maestro - POTD
...Maestro – 4-23-24 Dedicated to Dr. Stanley Chapple. Co-founder of Tanglewood. Conductor of the London Philharmonic. Head of the Music School University of Washington. Conductor of the University......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, music, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Norea in the Garden of Birds
...“Father of All, Hoopoe of the Shining Light Voice of Truth, singing above pits of night Light singing in heaven’s tree above the height Barbelo in the heights unthinkable Nous incorruptible, ......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, animal, beautiful, bird, heaven,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member CLERIHEW tzara
...Nihilist Tristan Tzara founder of he genre Dada Deconstructed outrageous poetry chaotic wordage to you&me......Read the rest...
Categories: founder, word play,
Form: Clerihew

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