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Forgets Poems - Poems about Forgets

Forgets Poems - Examples of all types of poems about forgets to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for forgets.
Premium Member God Forgives And Forgets
God Forgives And Forgets By: Miracle Man 1/29/2025 The risen sun of each life too quickly will set, our manner of life will determine what we get. We’ll stand before the judgment seat of Mighty God, and answer for each deed...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, death, forgiveness, god, life,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member In a world where time flows like a river that forgets its bed
In a world where time flows like a river that forgets its bed, poets remain forever outside of time, a kind of travelers through the labyrinth of thought, with eyes open to dreams that others have long...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Mother Nature Never Forgets
Russet, Crimson and Golden colors adorn the spiraling leaves that are falling so slowly and beautifully, spreading over the landscape. They are making a natural blanket, keeping the earth warmer, and covered for the coming...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, autumn, nature, winter,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member God Forgets, People Often Dont
God Forgets, People Often Don’t Miracle Man 5/19/2023 *“come unto me and I will give you rest,” all that God requires is we give Him control. When from a contrite heart we’ve confessed, He forgives our sins and makes us whole. But...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, forgiveness, god, life, sin,
Form: Quatrain
A Tale of Feminine Forgetting
The opalescence of the early morning light flows over everything It touches over ever leaf, every tree, every exposed part of her skin She stares at the sky as the dawn breaks It shines brighter and brighter The...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, beautiful, beauty, spring, woman,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member This Is For All the Forgets That We Found
This is for all the forgets that you found. The not coming back but are always around. The next step at losing a back for the frame. Lost in a lesson like “remember my name”....Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, allusion, conflict, endurance, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Light Forgets the Dark
Sparrows delight the grass. A hawk swoops. Death dances, the living rejoice. The day arrives blaming no one. The sky wipes its face....Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Light Forgets the Dark
Sparrows delight the grass. A hawk swoops. Death dances the living rejoice. The day arrives blaming no one. The sky wipes its face....Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, poetry,
Form: Free verse
A Fool Forgets His Tool
Not bringing along my tool Has me made a Big fool: A breaker of workers First Rule And copyist of The Empty Mue That should back turn to school… So unprofessional an omission That I be quick about its admission But here...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, absence, business, career, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
How the Land Forgets
A narrow muddy creek, beyond the creek a new housing lot. Further on a small stand of wood where a large woodland once spread all the way to the highway. Beyond the highway a farm clings to fifty acres but not much thrives and...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Santa Forgets
Our plump Santa did search in his pouch, In the table, he searched, near the couch; He searched there, he searched here, But found not his specs dear - "On your face" said his wife in a...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, christmas, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Basset Hound Forgets
Basset Hound had a gift to deliver, but he forgot to whom. He had reminded himself by remembering to say witch’s broom. Was it Witch Hazel? Asked his mother, trying to help. He thought it was another, possibly...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Reserved Place In Your Heart
When money intervenes There is little resistence When man thinks of money There is no place for others Not even God Whenever man thinks of God There are too many requests Money, power, happiness, longivity and many more But man always Forgets to reserve...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, conflict, god, heart, money,
Form: Free verse
Nobody Forgets An Organic Kiss of Love
Love even if it's a thread, binds us for a lifetime... Some deny or forget, these never truly loved... Not that I live by this thread, but in truth I say to you: organic memory of a kiss of love, will never be...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, allegory, allusion, kiss, love,
Form: Light Verse
Nobody Ever Forgets Where He Buried the Hatchet
Sitting on a stone my hands brushing against the cold water I gaze upon the night sky searching my reason in the heavenly bodies floating up in the universe... The secluded life which I had chosen away...Read the rest...
Categories: forgets, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

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