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Fodder Poems - Poems about Fodder

Writing Fodder
A train, a train, Burning through its coal. And smoke that drives away the cool air. Or the night sky. The night sky. The night sky. Write about the sky. Daytime, grass, flowers, swarming. The seasons, snow, spring, something, something… Writing and writing. About a...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dragon Fodder
toothy grin, downcast eyes hidden by two dozen sunset roses, a great-big box of choice-chocolates ‘tis a good thing she doesn’t see his flaming breath, the ring on his butt-naked-finger …this once 10/27/2022 I’m back in my book of tricks. Dragon Fodder given to the...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Black Flag
The official name is Contrails No more than condensation The alternate one Chemtrails poo pooed across the nation I can't help notice months go by With none in sight Are we to understand that No plane has taken flight Yet, when they Return The skies are cross...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Air-Bourn Into the 20th Century
Air-Bourn Into the 20th Century David J Walker I was one of the soldiers who Missed the target of the jump Nine months up in a cloudless sky Where some were chosen to live And others to die Before...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, military, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Facets To Fodder
~ Diamond invaluable, resplendent shining, shimmering, scintillating jewelry, gemstones, silica dioxide, blight scratching, abrading, scarifying commonplace, begrimed Gravel ~ ~ 2nd Place ~ in the "Sparkling Diamonds" Poetry Contest, Joseph May, Judge & Sponsor....Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, appreciation, beauty, earth, nature,
Form: Diamante

Premium Member They Are My Fodder I Am Their Author
They are teachers. Conference day. Many clumped up, together, visiting. I am my usual lone wolf self, doing what I want. Realizing how foolish it would be to share my ideas. When so many others have a need to...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Fodder Cable Cars Are Jousting With Clams Today
If you are going to attempt a waltz in a spotty teapot costume complete with a lid then do remember not to partake in tea drinking beforehand because the liquid might ruin the material and...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, art,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Fish Fodder
Bud went out to sea with his friends The ship started tipping on end To the lifeboats they ran like sardines in a can with women packed under the men! While some took advantage of this Some others stole more...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, funny,
Form: Limerick
Plush Fodder
emerald meadow rich plush svelte fibrous carpet cheap trite sheep fodder...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, nature
Form: Haiku
Pen Fodder
With arms spread wide like Ibiza With my Brighton rock stuck in my throat And throbbing with a pulse For all that glitters as it slithers into serpentine The darker recesses, we waltzed Feeling common as anachronism London, meet me there With...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder,
Form: Free verse
A Question of Cannon Fodder
A Question of Cannon Fodder Drenched in the blood Wept in raining puddles of agony The wretched and forgotten Mud of centuries He fell by knees and palms Dead to the feet of living A Splashing tattoo of scarlet drumming On the...Read the rest...
Categories: fodder, war
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry