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Flour Poems - Poems about Flour

A Rubbing of Hands
Elsie, Lucy, Olive, this small boy's remarkable old aunts. Oh, how they rubbed their hands. But with glee or sorrow? Or even anger? Elsie had a strict-looking expression - when not rubbing her hands. Lucy wore spectacles that pinched...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, family, people, sweet love,
Form: Free verse
The Real Woman Cries For Flower
The real woman cries for flower. A handed one makes her tower. The much uplifted that hour! Giver has but lent her power; Just nothing would the day sour. A woman, then free to glower, If you'd promised her a flower And...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, allusion, desire, marriage, women,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Who Needs Flour
Flour, who needs it? I do! The cupcakes yell. And me! Agreed the pie crust. Me! Hollered brownies. Me! Me! Me! The chili screamed. Why do you need flour? Questioned the tomatoes. The other soups snickered. We all have to have flour...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, food, humor, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Composizione 2 Bowls of Flour
Music is God and songs worship Music. In appreciation of the composers skills one might look to God for inspiration. False Gods collaborate throught the concentration of plagiarism they look to speak to many and gather the attention of all in worship of both Music and song they structure melonic...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, film, food, music,
Form: Ballade
This Or That
Mom says this dad says that, What is this heck heck heck, I run this way you run that, Mingle things in this and that, Mix in flour, eggs and sugar, Instead, we mixed salt,eggs and flour, Then answer this...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Free verse

Flow of Floor Flour
Flour is a blessed To feed the whole floor The lives men and plus Flour is the flow of this floor...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, appreciation, blessing, caregiving, food,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Love For Flour
Flour Makes a great paste Tortes, scones, cobblers, muffins Cinnamon and sugar crust, yum! Cakes and pies would be nothing without it Donut making relies on it Throw in some sugar please Necessary Flour...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, addiction,
Form: Rictameter
Flour Girl
Dust gathers on the shelf, To fill the empty spaces. There is a time and place, To accept final defeat. She survived the lions den. Dancing the dance with her sisters To the tune of hypocrisy. A masquerade to mislead them...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, abuse, anger, anxiety, cry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Flour Sack
Me bum is flat coz as a graphic designer I sat Crushed it, didn't allow for expansion, it's a fact Guess it's not a bad thing No need to put it in a sling Or walk around wearing a...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, beautiful,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Sugar Cakes and Flour Sacks
Memories of Sugar Cakes & Flour Sacks Written: by Tom Wright 9/1/99 Sitting in prayer at Mothers door As she lay in deepest sleep. Her face, embedded with hand prints of time, Told of a life, upon reflection, That made me weep. Near her bedside...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, death, mother,
Form: I do not know?
Whatever Happened To Flour Sacks
My Father grew up on a farm many years ago, they never had very much this I do know. During the depression times were really tough, clothes made from flour sacks worked well enough. My Aunt had a dress,...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, children, patriotic, poverty, pride,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Flour Sacks
Flour sacks I remember you so well full of golden grain, bran or flour a slight but delightful musty smell perambulating the atmosphere Sacks cut up for all sorts of things cloth shoes and dresses even trousers rough coats that...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, food,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Flour Sacks
Mother was a genius when it came to recyclin' flowery flour sacks, Durin' The Great Depression to provide duds for her family's backs! With her trusty pedal Singer Sewin' Machine she turned out a horde, Of decent apparel...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, family, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Mom's Flour Sacks
The flour sack, the flour sack! To my childhood it harkens back... With the flour at last gone Mom would use it to sew upon.. Dish towels, aprons , and who knows what No complaints, our mouths remained firmly shut! I...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, childhood,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Flour Sacks
Oh, yes! I recall them well, those pretty prints as flour sacks. They only needed hemming added to Mom's dishtowel stacks. I don't remember dresses made from them for Sis or me. Sewed together for table cloths, they were pretty as...Read the rest...
Categories: flour, memory, mother,
Form: Rhyme

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