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Fleeced Poems - Poems about Fleeced

Fleeced Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fleeced to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fleeced.
HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025
...HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025 No matter I kept fingers and toes crossed, and waited with bated breath since January 2, 2025 even converted from skeptic to ortho......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
This path
...The path is clear But the intentions are blocked Will wait for an answer Before the question is thought With all my being Ive been torn and rought My blades are sharp To sharpen them tho i ......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, anger, mental health, philosophy,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Harvest of Osyter Pearls
... her ethereal gaze tucked me into nirvanic waves tore me asunder amid quixotic abyss and seraphic throe  I harvest pearls from mollusks in swimming oysters  strip it in kaleidoscopic......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Soul of skeptic writhes with agonizing torture like a burning man in Dante's Inferno
...Soul of skeptic writhes with agonizing torture (like a burning man) in Dante's Inferno Self immolation as sacrificial bleating lamb promises eternal martyrdom awaiting voluntary die hard protest......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, abuse, allusion, america, anger,
Form: Free verse
More n nine months on
...More'n nine months on... and still I feel infuriated at myself concerning squandered funds passively, senselessly, and willingly surrendered nest egg to computer hackers (imposters, jackknifi......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, abuse, anger, angst, bereavement,
Form: Free verse

Easter as interpreted by one
...Easter as interpreted by one... rebated, rebelled, rebirthed, rebooted, and rebuked courtesy one ill shod Unitarian atheist, who means NOT to affect any sacrilegious fallout nor offend devo......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, adventure, bible, celebration, christian,
Form: Rhyme
What The Roses Don't Say
...What The Roses Don’t Say by Michael R. Burch Oblivious to love, the roses bloom and never touch ... They gather calm and still to watch the busy insects swarm their leaves ... They sway, bem......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, angst, fear, lost love,
Form: Sonnet
Neigh say being corralled and cult shod
...Neigh say being corralled & cult shod "Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis" translation = thus always I bring death to tyrants.” Above the fray of twittering, squabbling, and madding crowd......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, 12th grade, age, allusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Battle for the Atlantic II
...With lone intent, all freedom it will wrest if obstinance you let these wolves deny. As tonnage sinks beneath the torrid crest your struggles for survival magnify. Each flailing ship that ferries......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
... written twelve years ago when yours truly about two score and twelve years old, and fishy financial fiasco about twenty six weeks before being scalloped courtesy villainous fraudster otherw......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, 7th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Rhyme
The Finis Sing Touches Touche
...The finis sing touches touché Knead dull brows knitted; belief system I cogitate gearing thee ordinary bipedal hominid acquiesces to deck the halls of the mountain (dew) king with boughs ......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, 12th grade, allusion, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Booby Trapped Within Apartment Unit B44
...Booby trapped within apartment unit b44 Circa August 18th, 2021 three bajillion years ago to date, nevertheless I count blessings, so please do not hashtag me as worse than an ingrate or o......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, adventure, anxiety, confusion, divorce,
Form: Rhyme
Ever Since I Experienced Being Significantly Monetarily Sidelined
...Ever since I experienced being significantly monetarily sidelined... (how about that topic for a change of pace?) Yes back to getting walloped, decked and clubbed courtesy cold hearted brute, w......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, absence, abuse, angel, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Overzealousness and Assiduousness
...Overzealousness and assiduousness... now propels yours truly towards restitution courtesy sophisticated mountebank, whose criminal mind filched mine banknotes rationed for when I exhibit decre......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, angel, anger, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On Learning About When Moon Is Seen By Day - Edited
...One day (I don’t remember when), but I could see the moon quite clearly in the sky. It made me feel like things had gone awry! Silly thought, I had one – could moon then be the sun? Was sun now o......Read the rest...
Categories: fleeced, moon,
Form: Sonnet

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