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Firkin Poems - Poems about Firkin

Firkin Poems - Examples of all types of poems about firkin to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for firkin.

Premium Member A Night With Stars
... Written: November 21, 2023 __________________________________________ My grasp soars to the sky. billions of light-years into space Inducing the comely azure to car......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, analogy, appreciation, sky, stars,
Form: Free verse
Pickle Party
...PICKLE PARTY The pickles were having a party In the superstore one night. The manager was home in bed So they knew they were all right. It was a singles party, Each looking......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Firkin of Gherkins
...A firkin of gherkins in brine Were found floating along the Rhine They, tossed from some party For being too tarty And spoiling the taste of the wine It's A Pickle Party Poetry Contest Sp......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Our Pickle Party
...What a fine party, we’ll swim in the brine Let’s invite Mr. Kosher Dill and Mrs. Gherkin, I’m sure we’ll make memories to enshrine If Mr. Sweet wears his favorite wool firkin! We must......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Couldn'T Help Smirkin'
...Found a new restaurant called The Lion and Firkin Was quite impressed, when I finished I was smirkin' The girlies were clad In short skirts of green plaid Delightful as a shamrock, their ......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, fun,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Couldn'T Help Smirkin'
...Found a new restaurant called The Lion and Firkin Was quite impressed, when I finished I was smirkin' The girlies were clad In short skirts of green plaid Delightful as a shamrock, their ......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, emotions,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Godspeed
...Prickly cool fills my lungs, Like a bladder canteen on a Bedu dromedary, Sloshing the alveoli that branch, internal ... Frozen filligree fanning my firkin chest. I blink a tear,......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, appreciation, conflict, loneliness, lost,
Form: Free verse
Firkin An Interesting Word
...Found Firkin to be an interesting word,; Understand long ago often had occurred Water would form; When in a storm; From a barrel or cask liquid transferred. Jim Horn......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Malcee - the Bestest Beerman In the West Part 1
...For a chum on the occasion of his 50th birthday. lots of insider jokes I am afraid! The meter totally stolen :-) You could hear the engine roar, As the van approached the door And the squealing ......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, birthday, friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Contst Pom
...a firkin of port and a glass through my lips a last drop will pass my thirst I now blunt as thoughts it will stunt in my john my food will amass 10/08/16......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, wine,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Couldn'T Help Smirkin'
...Found a new restaurant called The Lion and Firkin Was quite impressed, when finished I was smirkin' The girlies were clad In short skirts of green plaid Delightful as a shamrock, their bo......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, humor,
Form: Limerick
Firkin In the Meadow
...When May cometh full in bloom And robins and **** build afresh their room Many a maid and her swain Be found in the meadow lain Methinks the churl that he be - knoweth sin With his manhood waxing ......Read the rest...
Categories: firkin, funny, may, time,
Form: Couplet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things