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Fife Poems - Poems about Fife

Fife Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fife to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fife.

Premium Member Poor Barney Fife
POOR BARNEY FIFE There once was a young man named Barney Fife He was a ladies man, but had no wife He thought he was debonair With lots of love he could share But Deputy Fife is filled with...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, confusion, courage,
Form: Limerick
Barney Fife
ive never met anyone in this life as nervous as deputy barney fife andy gave him a big gun but a bullet only one and will thelma ever become his wife Limerick 4 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Joseph may 2/13/19...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, character, stress,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Barney Fife
Barney was captured by some convicts one day and so he never thought he'd get away But dancing it proves And Barney's slick moves Helped Andy capture them without delay! 2-7-19...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, dance, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Good Old Barney Fife
Barney was the Sheriff's right hand man When danger beckoned, he took a brave stand -- Barney's voice rose so high Bad guys reached for the sky -- Giggles! ~ Barney...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, confusion, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Andy Taylor and Barney Fife Become Criminals
One Day Barney Fife was practicing his quick draw. He accidentally shot Thelma Lou, he broke the law. Andy had no choice but to put Barney in jail. But Andy let Barney out when he said he had...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, funny, humor, prison,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Mayberry Life With Deputy Fife
The life of this Fife was inane No burglars did Barney detain Got locked in the cell As crooks bade farewell Seems God gave him just half a brain In...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, humor,
Form: Limerick
Barney Fife
Barney the Deputy of Mayberry, one bullet in pocket he did carry. Before a crime wave could flood, he would nip it in the bud. To the law the Deputy was married. 2/2/19 ...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, dedication, funny,
Form: Limerick
There Is An Auld Laddie Near Fife
There is an auld laddie near Fife who sought for himself a good wife. As no one would have 'im he retired to a cabin and drinks Scotch every day of his life....Read the rest...
Categories: fife, addiction, drink, loneliness,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Deputy Barney Fife
Don Knotts played the role of Deputy Fife, Whose tomfoolery created much strife! He bungled all that he did! Sheriff...Read the rest...
Categories: fife, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry