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Ferry Poems - Poems about Ferry

Premium Member The Taker
With an oar and a long boat Down river goes the deal maker, Ferrying another soul afloat ... For I am their taker ... Black cloak 'round my shoulder Two coins in my bony hand, I bring the younger or...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, boat, dark, death, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ferry Beach Transformations
What did I take away from summer camp? Not COVID this year, nor the clap of one hand ringing. But, instead a more resilient health of authentic sacred wealth TransFormative dance singing integrity's great synergetic bromance. Polyphonic men mind and body embracing polypathic gods re-imaging polytheistic goddesses engaging all...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, culture, health, heart, history,
Form: Political Verse

Ferry Interesting
“I wish the ferry had a fairy,” said Phoebe with a frown to no one in particular (but everyone remembered later on). That’s a strange thing to say on an excursion in Year 5, especially when the teachers...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ferry Man Elf
Ferry man elf rode in on a stream From the River Styx, or at least it seemed…. We were a tiny bit afraid of this elf so gray. He had appeared suddenly on this somber day. Do you think...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Home Is
clearing morning mist silhouetted hills in view Arran ferry...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, heart, home,
Form: Haiku

The Humber Ferry
By heck it was cold on the Humber ferry The water was deep and Hull smelled like leather May I mention the bridge it’s all there’s left The boat man’s gone, it must be the Styx Right it was...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, age, humor,
Form: Rhyme
From Killed Kerry To Cheating Jerry
She remembered where she’d met Jerry. It had been on a moving ferry, She journeying to rejoin Kerry, With whom life was mostly merry. But Kerry Gangsters would soon bury, Seal it and there shan’t be Query! He had their rules...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, cry, lost love, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Ferry Boat Ride
He was a young man traveling lightly with nothing much to carry but his dreams and wide-eyed wonder and a ticket for a ferry Ride, across a river wide that meandered like nothing real while looking for rhyme...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, allegory, allusion, travel, youth,
Form: Terza Rima
Waves Scary From Ferry
took trip on ferry waves seemed to be so scary sizes would vary (that applies to both ferry and waves) had been contrary only fools take a ferry ugly wife marry ride ferry had urge great idea did emerge buy my ticket splurge after trip...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Safe At Last
You left me stranded on a beach. Alone. I don't feel safe without you. I crossed a bridge onto a new beach looking for safety but none was there. I wandered aimlessly over sand dunes...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, bereavement, death, grief, heartbroken,
Form: Lyric
Berry and Cherry
As we gobble berry And devour cherry The heart is merry Towards Bliss on a ferry For Jerry and Kerry And for Perry and Terry As we indulge berry And mouths cram with cherry Disappointments we bury And our woes the dreary Then, a reply...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, appreciation, celebration, cheer up,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hurry, Hurry, Don'T Miss the Ferry
Hurry, hurry, don't miss the ferry That takes you up to Londonderry They are having their annual fair You'll hear them sing Londonderry Air. Take the trolley up to London town Where London Bridge is Falling Down Be sure to listen...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, nursery rhyme,
Form: Rhyme
Terry and His Ferry
There was a man called Terry Who captained his own Ferry When his ship hit a rock He recovered from the shock Drinking a bottle of Sherry....Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, humor, sea, travel, work,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Lights and the Silos
an hour before docking it was ice cold and freezing as the vessel, like scissors cut clean through the swell and the ship’s horn then sounded and woke those still sleeping startling the standing and the seagulls as well and the door opened...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, journey, morning, sea, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Ferry Captain
The Ferry Captain David J Walker I The ferry Captain waited As long as he could to fill The manifest of passengers Called to board The boat Tickets please You must have a ticket To ride II Everyday The journey seems longer As...Read the rest...
Categories: ferry, age, allegory,
Form: Rhyme

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