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Feathery Poems - Poems about Feathery

Feathery Poems - Examples of all types of poems about feathery to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for feathery.

Premium Member Birds of Feathers
What the birds know today is that I am not there Funny as it may seem, those birds and I have something in common We are always looking for something, What puzzles me the most is when I...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, adventure, africa, angel, anger,
Form: Blank verse
Here is a poem I wrote (photo's of THE LADY, chicken, on my Instagram account daisymeadows2023. Photo's by @leebrewin) THE LADY (the chicken) - MY FEATHERY FRIEND THE LADY I wake up in the morning, In...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, animal, funny, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Feathery, I Shall Be
From a mountain's crested height I'm free of dread without fright, since I grew wings to take flight, 'cross oceans I soar. Aviator, flying high, gravity, I can defy. Great crashing waves I descry o'er the ocean's shore. Swiftly, I can flit and...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, bird, ocean,
Form: Tail-rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Feathery Fluff
snowflakes, like feathery fluff, tumble from frigid skies spreading out like a down duvet feeling snugly soft, and yet icy cold to the touch, a shroud, befitting autumn's splendiferous dead, wove by winter’s hand (Yalto) 02/28/2020...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, 10th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Verse
My Feathery Love
My love my love I hear your calls from above You are like a dove covered in feathers. Yes you are so clevers My love my love Come into my arms And with my charms We will disarm...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, anniversary, bird, devotion, heart,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Premium Member Feathery Flakes
A crystalline drop of frozen water blossoms into a snowflake; while tumbling to the ground. And fragile flakes twirling in the sunlight perform perfect pirouettes; dancing upon a breeze. White on white, the air is almost opaque; as feathery flakes of snow fall...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Kimo
Premium Member Icarus Falling
O Icarus, young Icarus flying so high, As an eagle, in the sunny blue sky, rising. Waxing strongly in his vigorous youth, so bold; Fearless, he failed to hear his fine father’s sure truth. Alas too late he learned...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, death, fate, father son,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Feathery
feathery wisp lightest touch a breath’s caress posted on April 19, 2019...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, butterfly, light, sensual, surreal,
Form: Senryu
Feathery Arrows
Deep in the feathered woods, my ancestors wait Ghostly haunting quite solace Lighted forest of there paths connect Soft light enters to sooth there souls Celeste beings shelter there comings My heart feels the sadness,...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Feathery Blur
Shrubs squat still in serried clusters ...Read the rest...
Categories: feathery, animals, nature, seasons,
Form: Crystalline

Book: Reflection on the Important Things