Birds of Feathers
What the birds know today is that I am not there
Funny as it may seem, those birds and I have something in common
We are always looking for something,
What puzzles me the most is when I put out food
They appear from nowhere, chirping and calling for others
To come to share the food.
They are fascinating creatures,
I think I have hyped them too much by feeding them a lot of sugar:
However, I loved how they picked the leftovers.
And in a nanosecond, the food was gone.
I am back in the cold once again,
I truly missed those birds outside my door,
They do not need to migrate south.
And most of all they don’t have to select
Or regret voting for a president
In their defense, each of them appears to be a leader.
Who leads Birds of a Feather?
Copyright © Annie Lander | Year Posted 2025
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