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Fall Back Poems - Poems about Fall Back

The fall back of a broken heart
In the end it will all fit together In the end it will make sense for a apple and a kiss of your lips for...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, anxiety, lost, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fall Back
Fall back I'll catch you You've got nothing to fear Let go, I'm open I'm right behind you here I'll cover you with all of me I'll wrap you up inside You're safe and you're secure But for a little while...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, devotion, friendship love, i
Form: Rhyme

Knack To Fall Back Then Hit Sack
what we had was knack to spring forward then fall back become some sad sack from straight path may stray then to God can hear me pray with please do away catastrophe mere daylight savings did disappear now no longer here will wear bandana when...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Hour Fall Back and Energy Lack
an hour falls back energy body does lack ate one more big mac so old in stature hope will last another year put out to pasture ran down from the peak a wide creek water would seek hear sounds it did speak Creek From...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Always Fall Back On Value
Never Bargain success, To value of living, And been remembered as legend Daily. Do stay positive, While solemnly reminisce... Of turning motive, Within an empty silent Space that houses fertile thoughts. Hard times are boosters, That energize recreation, For troubled mind's joy. Fighting Through uncertain Loyal schemes meant for...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, 1st grade, art, blue,
Form: Free verse

Fall Back
extra hour tonight autumn turns to winter light hibernate till spring Written 29th October 2022 Contest BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE Sponser Brian Strand...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, autumn, dark, winter,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Force Myself To Fall Back In Love
He is on my last nerve – singing and dancing to Christmas songs. I envision throwing him into a large snow drift. Then I remember that this is what attracted me to him initially. He finishes all of...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, husband,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fall Back
The changing of the clocks has me all bamboozled Woke up in the middle of the night and put on my shoesies Clocks all showed 6:15 “Fall back” you silly old bean My question is “WHY” all seems kinda...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Fall Back
Fall Back By Franklin Price 10/29/3017 Did you set your clocks back? Daylight saving's time is through Did you do it as directed? As the clock was striking two Did you know that's least intrusive? If you go right back to bed Get...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, time,
Form: Rhyme
Don'T Let Me Fall Back To Sleep
My love, please, don't let me fall back to sleep But hold me while I cry soft in the night My dreaming is full of nightmares, my sweet Yes, I'm tired, but this price is too steep You see,...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, cry, dark, dream, fear,
Form: Villanelle
The Long Fall Back To Earth
THE LONG FALL BACK TO EARTH” The furious flapping of broken wings ...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, satire, me, world, me,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Fall Back!
Spring ahead Fall back Its time to set your clocks back! One hour more or less You may catch up on your rest So that now you look your best......Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, funny
Form: Tanka
Where I Fall Back In Line
endless thoughts, where do i begin? what this has brought, is it possible for me to win? a ball of fire, hangs low in the sky. fading to pink as i gaze higer, it catches my eye. the changing leaves. colors burst. natural beauty, hard...Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, confusion
Form: I do not know?
Fall Back
We had to Spring forward, now we must Fall back, if we are going to keep our schedules on track....Read the rest...
Categories: fall back, life, seasons, time,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry