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Eschews Poems - Poems about Eschews

Eschews Poems - Examples of all types of poems about eschews to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for eschews.
Premium Member My Bleeding Heart
...bedazzled by jewels beguiled by the gem of you~ diamond eternal as fake gold duals alloys mix unbanding two~ with flames infernal tears drowning in pools blinders tunnel, love ......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, heartbreak, love hurts,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Autumn Eschews Silence
...“The fog may come on little cat feet”* But Autumn eschews silence The thick crunch of crisp fallen foliage Hastens the homebound honking of gaggled geese Soft whispers of falling rose petals Fad......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, autumn, environment, sound,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Usurper Moon Tableau
...Moon rises surprised, eschews its pocked face, caught in early glare of sun in bleaches awaiting its call. A starlet usurped!......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, moon, star, sun,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Unceremonious Ceremony
...UNCEREMONIOUS CEREMONY Will weaponized with wounded words, Purpose unbound against all odds. She shades shame showing sheer strength in the face of a situation of "Life & Death". Eyes heated ......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tortured Mind
...The tortured mind 'tis that causes pain Knowingly, to others with abandonment Sticking out its venomous tongue again, Dissing others, but to its own detriment. It cannot seem to gra......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, anti bullying, conflict, mental
Form: Quatern

Premium Member Golf Footle
...The grass alas is shorn like corn the dew eschews forlorn this morn the crowd avowed the ball and all then groans and moans clubs thrown are known. Embued and hued the words l......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, 12th grade, anxiety, conflict,
Form: Footle
Premium Member Essentials
...ESSENTIALS visual language   with explicit  traces    of  experience eschews   categorisation    limited only  by number of the little  &   defunct freedoms  of a subliminal  kind ......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, poetry,
Form: Other
...This morning is dangerously close to truth. The sunlight is in bold print, the figurative blocked out in black and white. The under-brain (that sleepy chameleon with diamond eyes), blinks at a......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bard Battles
...[bard1] To wit, sans pearl, mere grit and sand, an irritant, sebaceous cyst, expressive as a mongrel’s gland, self-seeking randy churlish tryst! [bard2] Eccentric heel’s ethos raised grand, ......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Say What
... a metaphor is a simile you don't like ---------- it is not in my nature to write senryus ————— baby tries on boots without crying, eschews fits ......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, metaphor, simile,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member A Joyful Life
...Amazing! A joyful life Bestowing special blessings, Eschews strife, Keeps xylophones Very quietly dinging In my ears.<......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, joy, life, music,
Form: Free verse
...Erstwhile was my eye blind To your most pristine shine, Which best scans eschews With a graceful guiling sign. Yet now may my pupil sight Your wondrous doings espy, Which men's erudition moc......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, adventure, allegory, allusion, best
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Poetic Delirium
...Poetic Delirium In this most poetic holy state I now do live. Whereof, my entire self, I most desire to give. Raindrops of new feelings and divine, colorful thoughts. Of t......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, muse, passion, poetess, poetry,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Wisdom's Healthy Passion
..."We have an enemy within called the ego who prevents us from using our mind intelligently. It hides deep within our heart and emerges with regularity to challenge and consume our will." Rum......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, health, integrity, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
...Let me try to go by pioneering heroes' spirit That motored their antique tides of phrase, And treat rapt souls to a mild sublime ode, Forged to rhyme with old sonneteers' pace. Now where do......Read the rest...
Categories: eschews, allegory, allusion, art,
Form: Epic

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry