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Poetic Delirium

Poetic Delirium In this most poetic holy state I now do live. Whereof, my entire self, I most desire to give. Raindrops of new feelings and divine, colorful thoughts. Of these, like a storm, in a constant, pummeling onslaught. Nay, nay..peaceful nights, doth this poetess ever have! Both quill and parchment, be my saving salve! One poem a day, my Muse cannot bear. "Thou lazy, sloth of a poet, I shall pull out roots of your lazy, pitiful hair!" Frightened wench that I am, I proffer, "Alas, no great ideas do I have to offer!" "What sheer nonsense, you lazy, liar you." She's a stern taskmaster, 'this poem a day,'she strongly eschews. Food, that masses normally eat, lies cold on the floor at my feet. I cannot eat, before a new poem, is fed to her first, 'tis her Olympian treat! "Don't you even consider going to sleep!" In protest, tears I cry from sheer exhaustion and yes, I do weep! The sun greets me, with her,in Greek gown standing there. A smile, so wonderfully bright, welcoming me to a day of writing poetry, original, and hopefully touching and rare! "Hide not behind words of beauty fair, an entertainer, you are not! But do thou freely open your life and of your tender, beating, heart!" Let your written melodic, celestial harmonies,   Bring love, hope and kindness to this orb, everywhere!"   With that mystical midnight message,an opalescent chariot whisked her majestically away. Imagining I wore Aphrodite's wise, sweet crown  to begin yet anew, a poetic,soul awakening day!              July 24, 2020 Contest: Strand Completely New (13) Any Form, Any Theme Sponsor: Brian Strand

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/25/2020 1:12:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, a very emotional poem.Isubmit a poem every 4 days. My ideas do not come to me quickly. So every 4 days i submit a poem. Enjoy your day my friend. hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 7/26/2020 12:39:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, I am sure you will try harder today to write a poem. Ideas comes slow to me. Hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo Hugs
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/25/2020 1:22:00 PM
Hi Darlene, you do very well with the way you write, My Muse is stern. I only did 2 pass. But was exhausted. Will try harder today.))? Pangie xx
Date: 7/25/2020 11:55:00 AM
Quite an emotional write Panagiota, one a day, lucky if my muse gives me one a week lol. Good luck in the contest Tom
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/25/2020 12:27:00 PM
Hello Tom, great to hear from Muse is a task mistress and a half. I have notebooks of Poetry not listed....I love your writing....I Coukd never write like you. All so varied and so wonderfully unique. Emotional? Guess so, I will take the wrap on that. ((Another week in paradise))) Pangiexx
Date: 7/25/2020 8:23:00 AM
Now this is a poem of great talent - a deep, creative write - your poetry is unique, a gifted poetess. hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/25/2020 11:19:00 AM
Hi Jennifer an unconceited way, I will agree with your comment. It's time for me to stop saying I am not good enough. Much work ahead for me, you Greek goddess! Eddie is pkaying two baseball games today..and oh, my has killer Greek handsomeness.)) Pangie xx
Date: 7/24/2020 4:51:00 PM
Hello Panagiota,may your potic pen never run dry. Enjoy your evening my friend. Hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/25/2020 11:12:00 AM
Hello Miss Darlene. It's almost noon here and I just got on line. Highly unusual for me who starts at 3am. My body caught up to me. I had to sleep. So excuse a late response. Thank you.))) Pangiexxx

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