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Es Poems - Poems about Es

Charles&Margaret  husband&wife led an active artistic life Together made many a design of floral motifs so fine ...Read the rest...
Categories: es, art, word play,
Form: Ekphrasis
Es juckt
Ich liebe dich, wie ein Bienenstich. Zum zweiten mal sterbe ich, und du verachtest mich....Read the rest...
Categories: es, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse

Palestine FAL-ES-TEEN
The bombs wailed out In terror they scream Her fears come to life He was only fourteen A young boy whose life is gone A mourning family whose life has changed A murderous government supports change Isreal lay waste to beautiful homes Isreal...Read the rest...
Categories: es, abuse, arabic, culture, death,
Form: I do not know?
'es Verdad'
Respect for tradition passion for truth Heritage treasured enlightenment wooed Pathways consistent their outcome the same Footsteps of prescience —veracity claims (Dreamsleep: October, 2023)...Read the rest...
Categories: es, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Not Es Car Got
"not es car got" sluggishly waking what the hell forget the shell...Read the rest...
Categories: es, color,
Form: Free verse

Soerrentio Nights Menu
Zucchini fritters Shrimp and Salads Noodles with olive oil and Lemon dressing Orange Layered Cake w/ buttermilk frosting Grilled stuffed Rainbow Trout w/ sausage and crab spaghetti and meatballs toasted garlic bread texas clover leafs ( Hawaiian flavor) Ole South roasted pork belly...Read the rest...
Categories: beautiful, business, drink, farm,
Form: Bio
'es Verdad'
He who cannot lie —will never know the truth (Dreamsleep: October, 2022)...Read the rest...
Categories: es, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member X-Es
Xx, my figure's curved. Xy, your strength's outward. Xany is our new love. XO, let's kiss and hug. Xylitol gum we'll share. Xaern, love fades away. X-es we soon become. 7-4-2022...Read the rest...
Categories: boy, break up, games,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Es Una Otra Primavera
Es una otra primavera Es una nueva temporada Un otro día de lluvia ligera cayendo Un otro día medio soleado otra vez Y una otra ocasión de presenciar Y de disfrutar de los bulbos que florecen Donde muchos pollitos azules están...Read the rest...
Categories: es, color, flower, growth, love,
Form: Free verse
Tal Es La Historia De La Vida
Tal es la historia de la vida, que no se puede expresar con palabras, El juego del tiempo era tan extraño Usa lo que no quieras. Esa cosa es diferente, ¿cuál fue la razón? Algunos fueron indefensos, algunos fueron infieles, Quizás...Read the rest...
Categories: es, heaven, inspirational love, lost
Form: Free verse
Esa Es Su Identidad
Alguien estaba parado lejos de mí Estaba borroso Cuando nos acercamos a ella Era la sombra de un árbol. Una pregunta vino a mi mente ¿Por qué los ojos engañaron? Cuando me pregunté esto Luego contó el secreto de la cara. La gente...Read the rest...
Categories: dedication, desire, destiny, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Where Are the Warm Winter Ho Es For the Birds-
where have the bird's gone is it winter brutal cold trees bearing Birds flown ~ away went to birds now flying south searching for ...a warn winter home 7/9/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr...Read the rest...
Categories: es, adventure, analogy, bird,
Form: Haiku
La Vida Es Hermosa
With every breath With every touch With every smile ...Read the rest...
Categories: es, art, beautiful, earth, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Es Verdad
Truth independent of perception A falling tree crashing unheard Existing beyond what senses receive Essence eternal —by time undeterred (Villanova University: April, 2021)...Read the rest...
Categories: es, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Das Ich Und Das Es
Id fierce, intense raging, urging, demanding savage, instinct, moral, probity loving, caring, giving civil, gentle ego...Read the rest...
Categories: es, angel, evil, i am,
Form: Diamante

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