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Emptor Poems - Poems about Emptor

Emptor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about emptor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for emptor.
Many British thermal units later
...Many British thermal units* later Vice linkedin to carnal flesh this writer, (a married heterosexual doofus, – whose alter egos named and highlighted courtesy Gallant and Goofus) attones ......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, 12th grade, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
...I have almost absolved myself from causing all that emotional mayhem that a youthful spirit engages upon not having yet acclimatized itself at all. Was it my fault if all those hormone-ridden ......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Caveat Emptor
...I learned the lesson “let the buyer beware” When I didn’t have that much money I could spare, Took by an itinerant grifter Who was quite a likeable drifter He took me for a ride and d......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Acclimatization is a serious matter. Therefore I have almost absolved myself from causing all that emotional mayhem that a youthful spirit engages upon not having yet acclimatized itself to wh......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Candy Crunch Saga Number 6999
...God allowed us to invent them: chess, mancala, Ludo, CC-saga; And Candy Crunch Saga claims to be played everywhere Methinks "On all seven continents, including Antartica." ......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, adventure, allegory, allusion, anger,
Form: Acrostic

...Acclimatization is a serious matter. I mean one cannot keep bouncing around a kaleidoscopic chameleon-like center can one? Therefore I have almost absolved myself from causing all that emoti......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, poverty,
Form: Free verse
Many British Thermal Units Needed
...Many British Thermal Units needed... To heat these lovely bag of bones more so than required to generate clones aging musculoskeletal physique groans kvetching synonymous nsync with exactly in......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Caveat Emptor
...The only true reality Is humor, And the fat Buddha laughs, His fat belly bouncing In perfect rhythm With his gleeful sounds, While we, With drooping corners Of our mouths And furrowed brow......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, humor, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Let the Buyer Beware
...If it sounds too good to be true The low price is the clue So what would you say To a resort on Waikiki Bay That costs you but two hours pay ~ Caveat emptor! -- Stay away!......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, money, trust, vacation,
Form: Grook
Premium Member A Personal Attack
...Now if I shoot at you with live ammo that's personal, Words just don't hack it, most thoughts too bizarre To attribute to anything short of dementia, With colors that dribble, fake tears! Spayed g......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, emotions, humor, irony, life,
Form: Rhyme
I Love Jesus and Our Eastern Wisdom
...PoetrySoup may need to re-think how it allows writers to act as unelected Tyrant of POETRY here. July Morning reads one item, & wants to dictate how I may think, write, worship .... Are we becoming o......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, bible, character, community, faith,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Ode To 'Yelp' Duplicity
...'Yelp's' a lark, (truth indeed?), maybe servant of greed? You want 'natural' ratings? Please your advice heed! Now your model for earning seems blackmail at best, You pollute client's site with co......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, abuse, fantasy, humor, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Lawyer Wainwright Harrumphed and Rose To His Feet
...Lawyer Wainwright harrumphed and rose to his feet To defend his client in front of the jury, In what all thought would be an impossible feat, But approached the jury in a manner unhurried. He b......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, humorous, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
The Devil's Due
...I really should'a read the fine print When Evil came calling On a fine sunny day I was caught full napping Didn't know what to say. The dapper gentleman With a Van Dyke set fine Spoke in d......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, humorous,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Salvation According To Faith
...SALVATION ACCORDING TO FAITH “Help, help!”, I shout out loud, in fear. ‘HELP, HELP!’, echoes of my voice I hear. Over and over, impinge in my mind Closer and closer, it gets so near. Louder ......Read the rest...
Categories: emptor, blessing, christian, faith, visionary,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry