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Emperor Poems - Poems about Emperor

Emperor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about emperor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for emperor.
Premium Member The Emperor Auctions off his Clothes
Come one, come all, to the grand affair! The emperor sells his finest robes bare! After a child called out: "He has no clothes" What would the crowd bid for those? The emperor beamed, modelling his finest gown. Woven in...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, clothes, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Emperor
When arrogance pursues a despot spire through dominance consumed with vain conceit, ‘tis but a trait that sets the world afire as ignorance lets history repeat. They see the presage warning of reprise and vestal omens common sense should heed. They...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, world war ii,
Form: Sonnet

Julian the Apostate and Marcus Aurelius
"Their cross will decay Rome will be as a phoenix Helios will reign supreme" "The sun always sets Accept the eagle’s old age Find dominion in your mind" ...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, history, moving on, perspective,
Form: Sedoka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Wounded Sigh
The wounded sigh of a father, Tells his concern for his child Whose actions seem stupid and wild. The wounded sigh of a teacher, Reflects his worry for his pupil His progress, if he can’t quadruple. The...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, 5th grade,
Form: Free verse
Constantine and the fiery sign
A solar halo Sol Invictus blistering Or the cross blazing Burning for roman bloodshed Who in truth was Cain scheming ...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, fire, light, miracle, sun,
Form: Tanka

Why He Killed the Emperor, Part Iii
...“ ‘I used to love talking with friends, they gave such meaning to my life, but after watching them all die… it no longer makes my eyes bright. “ ‘I’ve loved women of every type, indulged in every sort of...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, age, death, emotions, future,
Form: Epic
Why He Killed the Emperor, Part Ii
...He’d push the tech until light years took just days for men to travel, wrote laws that stood the test of time, so the species didn’t unravel. Even wrote the curriculums that adapted to student’s needs, enough chaos to keep things...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, age, death, emotions, future,
Form: Epic
Why He Killed the Emperor, Part I
He reigned down through the centuries, and every human knew his name, Emperor Guiscard the Deathless, from Quebec this great figure came. Arising in chaotic times in the twenty-first century, when cultures were falling apart as we grew our technology. When the whole...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, age, death, emotions, future,
Form: Epic
Julian the Emperor and Deserter
Archon of the west, whose spouse was the worldly Sophia Who blindly abandoned his childhood lamb, to search for unseen light Though the lamb could have showed him the pure gnosis he craved for Poem (from a Gnostic...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, betrayal, history, irony, jesus,
Form: Sijo
Myth of Hadrian the Dark Haired Emperor
there are some people I do know they speak of places I can't go ooh then some if God is real might should I ask the chores of one done by two Makes easy the task? Hadian speak to the Romans. Yes God is Real He's real...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, music, myth, perspective, romantic
Form: Bio
Premium Member An Emperor Without Clothes
around the palace walks the emperor ...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, allegory, allusion, humor, people,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Bull Dog Villages New Emperor
Bulldog Village was amazed by the new Emperor Not their Choice He was appointed by his arrogant cousin Ms. Vee Two Royce. She brought him in on a spectacularly pretty summer day. But he showed his pompous arrogance...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
The Self-Crowned Emperor of the French
In seventeen sixty nine a child was born in Corsica, Genoa's former vassal state. Prior to his birth, his land had been war-torn, Paoli's resistance did his birth predate. At school, his geometrical talent was inborn, and he was tutored...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, hero, history, military,
Form: Rhyme
The Roman Emperor Who Had Nothing To Cluck About
In the annals of Rome the least glorious was an emperor named Honorius. Though Rome's plight was alarming he spent his time chicken farming, a pursuit which made him notorious....Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, farm, history,
Form: Limerick
The Man Who Wanted To Be An Emperor
The man who wanted to be Emperor He was (is) a great president of his country, the two presidents before him had nearly destroyed the country one for being naïve, the other for a hopeless drunk. The state...Read the rest...
Categories: emperor, anger, devotion, history,
Form: Blank verse

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