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Elementary School Poems - Poems about Elementary School

Elementary School Poems - Examples of all types of poems about elementary school to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for elementary school.
Premium Member My Favorite Elementary School Teacher
As the yellow-orange sun slowly rises Memories of your class's fun flood my heart Thoughts run to your teaching and enterprises You brought those tiny guppies to our class A creative...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Elementary School Teacher
How so lovely to meet him Elementary school teacher Same so lovely smile on his nice face Saino type of poem. It is not in Poetrysoup list of poems forms, so I selected "I do not know"....Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, education, teacher,
Form: I do not know?

The Teeny Weeny Arachnid
The teeny weeny arachnid crawled up my dingy wall. Little did he know this would turn into a brawl. Then I grabbed a shoe held it high above my head. And the teeny weeny arachnid is now officially dead. *Nearly two years ago,...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, 1st grade, animal, childhood,
Form: Rhyme
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher Kind when she shares her bologna sandwich. Imaginative when she has to use Q-tips to teach. Nurturing to teeter totter injuries. Daring when rescuing...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, children, education, giggle, teacher,
Form: Acrostic
I the mind returns to things although the major focus is loved ones LOST valued then and now yet lost, somehow II my first book of poetry written before seventeen Lost when my sister sold our home I was lost in America being FOUND by Jesus...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, 12th grade, africa, america,
Form: Free verse

Lost Art
a decade ago, I picked up water colors and acrylics O the exuberance of being a first-time artist Who, in myriad poverty of apartheid, scorned art As the purview of those living in luxury Yet I was spending five...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, anger, angst, art,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Ode To An Elementary School Teacher
I First period each morning she meets their languid sighs Their low moaning at new tasks to be undertaken She must be upbeat, no matter her personal woes, In her crisp, clean dress and comfortable walking shoes She steps...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, class, education, school, teacher,
Form: Ode
Elementary School
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by JOHN M. ARROBAS I can’t teach you the piano, nor the violin But some thoughts on life, now to begin There will be snares and tempts along the way You may not recognize them, as you are the...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, 12th grade, courage, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Sandy Hook Elementary School Rampage December 14 2012 Prayer Part One
Tribute to those slain at sandy hook elementary school ™ I read the terribly tragic news oh boy about unlucky kids at a Connecticut elementary school thus a spark in me heavily...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, dark, devotion, emotions, funeral,
Form: Ode
Sandy Hook Elementary School Rampage December 14, 2012 Prayer Part Two
...prized progeny well nigh impossible chore haunted by priceless offspring, neither surviving papa/ mama can never a door not ever again hearing soft pitter patters across floor mental angst fraught with blood...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, america, bereavement, children, cry,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Talbot Elementary School Fifth Grade Bands
Mrs. Lightfoot had taught music at Talbot Elementary School for years. A couple of her pupils excelled in music but most became engineers. She sat at her desk to muse upon the past after another trying day, Recalling...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, humorous, music,
Form: Rhyme
Lovely Elementary School
Playground Running around the playground, Oh how I wish I could stick around. Ouch I just fell on the ground, Oh how I love the sound. Science Dissecting frogs, Checking out different kinds of logs. There's even jars with baby hogs, I've even...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, school,
Form: Quatrain
What I Will Miss About Elementary School
What I'll miss about elementary school will be recess! Fun in the sun, I love this place, I have to confess. Recess was the the best space. I'll miss my old teachers, and all their awesome features. I'll miss all my...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, moving on,
Form: Quatrain
Elementary School
I will miss some of my teachers, Sitting with my friends. On the bleachers, Till the very end. In elementary school, We see are friends almost all day. Which is pretty cool, In the suns hot rays. My teachers that I had, I will...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, school,
Form: Quatrain
What I Will Miss About Elementary School
What I'll miss most of all, I'm not quite sure about. It could be when my friends and I had a ball, Or when we would laugh and shout. It could be having only 3 or 4 teachers a...Read the rest...
Categories: elementary school, school,
Form: Quatrain

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