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Effete Poems - Poems about Effete

Effete Poems - Examples of all types of poems about effete to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for effete.
the sergeant's son
...the sergeant's son  His father, a sergeant who loved his army and took it home at night, thought his son's fear of the dark was effete gave him a flashlight to use when going to the loo in the......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, anti bullying, beautiful, boy,
Form: Blank verse
Though a Democrat, I play the devil's advocate
...Though a Democrat, I play the devil's advocate... after reading the article (published in the July + August 2024 issue of Mother Jones) titled Raging bull - Donald Trump's pugilistic spokesman......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, america, boxing day , celebrity,
Form: Rhyme

Preposterous Eros
...Preposterous Eros by Michael R. Burch “Preposterous Eros” – Patricia Falanga Preposterous Eros shot me in the buttocks, with a Devilish grin, spent all my money in a rush then left my heart......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, desire, love, love hurts,
Form: Epigram
Unlikely Mike, for Michael Jackson
...Unlikely Mike by Michael R. Burch I married someone else’s fantasy; she admired me despite my mutilations. I loved her for her heart’s sake, and for mine. I hid my face and changed its conno......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, blue, divorce, dream, heart,
Form: Rhyme
Black Mold
...Intellectual larceny the academic elite Immune from indictment inured and effete They swing their false knowledge like weapons to maim The truth left in ashes — their lies to inflame (Septa......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, truth,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Naked Robbery
...Classes on tranny and ***** diversity universities reek of perversity Discrimination abounds all around save if your skin's black or brown Tuition hikes obscene, naked robbery ......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, education, usa,
Form: Couplet
Immortal Sappho
...These are my modern English translations/interpretations of ancient Greek poems by the immortal Sappho of Lesbos… With my two small arms, how can I think to encircle the sky? —Sappho, fragment 3......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, daughter, desire, flower, for
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Tweets
...I, too, dislike poems. I’ve tried runes (and rampikes) but that’s affected rather than merely effete. So I call them figments. When people query What do you write? at a barbecue or birthday p......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, birthday, earth, pain, people,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fun At the Zoo
...Antisocial anacondas don't associate in numbers; Bears and beavers don't become the best of friends. Civet cats catch rats, so is it any wonder On doleful dingoes dire dilemmas do descend? Effete......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, animal, humor,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Education's Desecration
...perhaps we are effete snobs though we fete our snobbery honestly we lie and cheat our way to A's and B's leave for fools those 'gentleman's C's'......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, education, integrity, student,
Form: Epigram
Words For New Eyes
...I want to peer through tomorrow’s eyes. Not a thing already old, not a yesterday word only temporarily paroled from a moribund dictionary. These words newly dead now for millenniums. Words o......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, poetry,
Form: Free verse
On the Other Side
...SEQUEL: Sebastian Jnr Ft Poet Em Em On the other side, lies Blind heart: swimming in his sweat Heading to verge of nowhere in eve To dredge his sepulchre For who knows? He said Of what rain t......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, 1st grade, satire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Being a Better Man - Revised
...Do plans take stock of what you’d give to be a better man, and somehow you have trust it’s true that human dream’s a gift, that life’s a blessing on bad days? The world sees Grace (or lack thereof)......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
She's Here: Spring
...Her intoxicating fragrance Heavily pregnant With thinly veiled Promises of seduction Stepped into attendance with stealth to herald her arrival A stimulus that suddenly heightened our in......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, appreciation, beautiful, celebration, earth,
Form: I do not know?
Gallery Art
...I have to crane my neck the small coterie presses, I am too short for long distance seeing walls tower over my eyes like curtains. “You have to see the hidden in the hidden” The svelte tai......Read the rest...
Categories: effete, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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