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Ductile Poems - Poems about Ductile

Ductile Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ductile to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ductile.
Premium Member Lost Love
... Ductile banks are eroded by swelling stream, on the surging water the dislodged soils ride, unsure if they’d disappear in sea with dream, or would create a new land somewhere with pri......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, analogy, lost love,
Form: Rispetto
This Love
...The itch to love and satiate pride swallowed too long stifles breath without emancipation A tragic capitulation to self Pride, perhaps acerbic, leaves morsels to ruminate and loves to regu......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, love, memory, mental illness,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Bewitching Night
...The dispersed dark specks drizzle down silently from the cauldron of the infinite blankness, that the sky shapes at the edge of the ductile dusk, since the beginning of the titular time. ......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, beautiful, dream, night,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mocking the Dead
...The splendorous span of my fervent firmament, twinkled with the tinsels of the cerulean night, where my yearning gleamed with transparent tinge, suffused with the sequins of the silver m......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, analogy, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Spider and a Fly
...At the centre of a viscous net The sly spider waited alert A fly flitted closer on buzzing wings Was caught in the labyrinthine strings Alas, wound round in ductile rings...Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, angst, betrayal, death,
Form: Verse

The World, God and Love
...World One And all Blessed and kind Nature and souls bind Clings, remain soft but not fragile In God's hands, no strong marbles clutches the ground ductile No boulders can silence the caves' ec......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, god, love, world,
Form: Fibonacci
Chucky and I
..."Peek-a-boo," Chucky said to me Seek and hide, we played Meek was I when I hid Leek I smelled as Chucky swayed. Agile Chucky prowled inside the house Fragile was I when I shrugged Tactile is ......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, horror,
Form: Lento
Premium Member Gold
... Gold metal so precious yellow color it's praised by many used to make jewelry both malleable and ductile conducts electricity well was once used to mint coins for money it's traded......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, money,
Form: Etheree
A Fractured View
...Swans row the sky just feet above the copper water. Gulls twist their necks to watch a lone sailor on the prow of a sludge-decked dredger. On the slate thatched gambrels of a lesser known ro......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Beneath the Dust of Time
...In the pediment of the blue hills rolling down from the horizon, the rising crimson sun spread surreal splendor on the landscape, etched with carvings of meandering streams, verdant meadows, tr......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, childhood, fantasy, memory, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Birth of Music
...The old man was no longer a hunter, But he would not stoop to women’s chores. A storm was brewing as he sought Shelter in a round cave. Soon he had a fire going but he preferred To stay near t......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Trail of Memory
...I look back at the dusty trail of memory, in the reflecting time of the twilight hour, see in the pediment of the distant blue hills, cascading down from the hazy horizon, the young scar......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, memory, youth,
Form: Free verse
All Quiet On the Frontal Lobes
...All Quiet On The Frontal Lobes A battle was fought: his Medulla oblongata versus an electrical socket. The electrical appliance distributors made a racket. So did his screams. But its pure, scie......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, abuse, angel, angst, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member 'my Hunger For Silence'
... "And you, O my Soul, where you stand, Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space, Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing - seeking the spheres, to connect them; Till the ......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, silence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Night's Allure
...The dispersed grains of darkness drizzle down silently from the cauldron of the infinite blankness of eternity that the sky started to shape at the edge of ductile dusk since beginning of time whe......Read the rest...
Categories: ductile, angel, imagery, love, night,
Form: Free verse

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