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Doze Poems - Poems about Doze

Dossier Doze Heir About This Sleepy Head
Dossier (doze heir) About This Sleepy Head Unable to shake off drowsiness iz not ease zee, hence, as a night owl, no (not that you ...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, 12th grade, culture, freedom,
Form: Free verse
No Time To Take a Doze
No Time to Take a Doze All my dreams should start coming true, And depending on vast point of view, Another poem will be in the making Being outstanding and breath-taking. At times, life seems short yet still so...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, travel,
Form: Couplet

Afternoon Doze
Afternoon Doze I´m looking at a blinking icon on a white screen I have spent an hour in a state of bliss and not feeling the need to do anything other then to enjoy the calm. Afar I...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, freedom, humorous, life,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member To Doze Or Not To Doze
The sermon was dull, the church was warm, Grandpa Smeltzer was snoring up a storm. Every once in a while, he'd give a snort. The young lads were counting his snorts as sport. Grandma Smeltzer gave her man a...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, funny
Form: Light Verse
My Economic Woes Doze .
The Soup kitchen's queue are in line . The economy , banjaxed and dyin' . When Lehmans went bust The bankers just cussed So now , " Buddy who can spare a dime " ?. I called up my banker...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, funny
Form: Limerick

2 Hour Doze!
A new man I am! 2 hours dozing.... My brainmatter no longer oatmeal, More in the consistency of rice krispies...Read the rest...
Categories: doze, adventure, allegory, angst, funny,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry