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Double Edged Poems - Poems about Double Edged

Double Edged Poems - Examples of all types of poems about double edged to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for double edged.
Double-Edged Sword
Life truly is a double-edged sword, The grass is greener on what side of the fence? Who knows, But that is life … ~ Pauly G...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, analogy, faith, inspiration, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Double Edged Sword
had coffee with a colleague he was young and eager wanted to play Russian roulette because his resources were meagre the universe conspires with us granting us whatever we wish but if fear and doubt makes us blink boons granted are...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, fate, psychological,
Form: Rhyme

Atomic Brinkmanship Double Edged Sword of Damocles
Grisly bared horror jawbones Kristallnacht totalitarian brandishes, flaunts, launches global threat half cocked. Vladimir Putin itching to loose nuclear bomb end of the world scenario ofttimes iterated throughout history though an atheist (actually Unitarian), no doubt this, that or another psalm countless times...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Atomic Brinkmanship Double Edged Grisly Horror Jawbones Kristallnacht
Vladimir Putin itching to loose nuclear bomb end of the world scenario ofttimes iterated throughout history though an atheist (actually Unitarian), no doubt this, that or another psalm countless times the Bible references Armageddon and doomsday impossible mission to remain cool, collected and calm. Whether...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, abuse, angst, bullying, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Double Edged Deity
young stud adonis most beautiful of all gods ~ handsome devil too By David Kavanagh...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, allusion, beauty, word play,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Double Edged Helix
creations blueprint deciphering gods secrets or mary shelly By David Kavanagh...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, abuse, allegory, allusion, creation,
Form: Senryu
Double Edged Knife
There’s two sides to every story A little bit of pain and a little bit of glory Love and hate become so often entwined Wrapping so tightly the heart that they bind There’s two parts in every duet A...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, appreciation, conflict, courage,
Form: Lyric
Atomic Brinkmanship Double Edged Grisly Horror
blue war red hot political issues dont amount to a hill of beans when Sword of Damocles count approaches zero hour as global tensions mount signaling increased chance ...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: I do not know?
Almighty's Double-Edged Sword
R-eady your whole armor, O-n the fourteenth of May; D-evil's instruments roam, R-uining your faith all the way. I-n spite of the enemy's lies, G-o on to spread the truth; O-pen the door of chance, for...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Sharper Than Any Double-Edged Sword
S-harper than any double-edged sword, O-ne God's truth sets man free; N-othing ever is impossible, N-ew result of His promise Y-ou will see. G-od's message is so clear E-verytime it is conveyed; R-ains from storm shall stop, A-s...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Double-Edged Sword
Irreverence the sacred cow of The Realist ...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, christian, conflict, faith, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Double Edged Sword
I cant take it anymore, This isn't what I've planed for! I was confident, saturated with ambition, I became lost, with no destination. I had it all, It got took all away; Joy,love and transparency, became nothing but sadness, hatred...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, anger, anxiety, change, conflict,
Form: ABC
Double Edged Tongue
Buddy, Pal The pimiento to my sal Let this grievance parlay To the earthen mounds stay Better it be, thinkest me To be alive and free And now we come to it Must my sword sharpen thy wit? Friend, fellow let this fine wine...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, forgiveness, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member His Double-Edged Sword
She is wearing a smile on her sexy lingerie, Shining like a stars as she step down the stairs. Humming a soft tone of a lyrics she made. And thunder came in and break the silence. She starts...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, abuse,
Form: Narrative
Double-edged Maybe, I should dig faster now, but ...Read the rest...
Categories: double edged, conflict,
Form: Free verse

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