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Doctrinaire Poems - Poems about Doctrinaire

Doctrinaire Poems - Examples of all types of poems about doctrinaire to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for doctrinaire.
...AI’s answers—a sad, cold vibe— To a life lived by the book, beside. A sclerotic sense, a pallid dread, When doctrinaire or fanatic is read. A code’s cul-de-sac moment: prose-weaver’s craft, s......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, literature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member From Ultra Right to Ultra Wrong
...The thrust of salvation's revelation; Straight from the buckle of the Bible Belt - Crusading on a plan of what they felt: "The World for Christ in One Generation." Their causes - all so speciou......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, america, betrayal, faith, political,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Waiter Is That Ai In My : Oh Nevermind
...soup overdone comments blow hot air ~ AI bubbles up everywhere bits and bytes chain reactions going spare ~ does admin really care esoteric brainwashing on blogs here and there ~ bullsh!t doc......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, allusion, perspective, poems,
Form: Monoku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Days of Living
...Confusing moments diffuse or strange... They are full of meanings. ordinary or extraordinary days, are essentially real... They are doctrinaire masters, artisans of the necessary... ......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, allegory, allusion, appreciation, day,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Closer To Fine
...That was the time of my life when my search turned stern, Like a thirsty beast, for streams of truth, I did yearn; In search of saints and sages, I wandered and roamed, Queries, like dark clouds o......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, endurance, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Miss the Winter Weather
...Bustling corridors, places to go, you can’t stand still or move too slow. Make a plan, plot a course, there’s an entire campus to traverse. Other things are good to know, like the best place ......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, school, student, weather, winter,
Form: Rhyme
Celestial Symbiosis
...Two orbiting stars round a center of mass that’s common to both in the scheme is symbiotic in relationship class or so goes the titular theme for many descriptions of R Aquarii, a twosome of s......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, earth, nature, space, stars,
Form: Verse
Rock Ribbed Dogmatic Secular Humanist
...Morality and self-fulfillment attainable without belief in God similarly yours truly would figuratively crane his credulity to ascertain Ichabod mentioned in first Book of Samuel as purported s......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Time Has Turned a Page
...Pedants fume helpless and seethe with rage, But linguists surrender to the age, Media always misuse Commoners to confuse, But rage not, time has turned a tired page. ____________________________......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, humor, time,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Dear Evangelical Brother
...Dear Brother, When we were children adults often asked us What do you hope to be when you grow up? But, our brothers and sisters were more likely, and probably more wise, to ask Who woul......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, appreciation, brother, caregiving, christian,
Form: Free verse
Do Declare Grey Hair Everywhere
...1 Syllable air · bare · bear · blair · blare · chair · cher · claire · clare · dare · dear · err · fair · fare · flair · flare · frigidaire · gair · gare · glar · glare · hair · haire · hare · h......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, allegory, animal,
Form: I do not know?
Today I Start My Twenty-Second Year
...(In December 1936, English poet John Cornford was killed in combat near Lopera, during the Spanish Civil War. It was the day after his twenty-first birthday. Could this be the poem he was form......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, history,
Form: Rhyme
Magical Forest
...In magical forest spring is in the air After long winter sun has finally answered inhabitants’ prayer Bear came out of his lair Wolf as always is chasing a hare Soon in the old orchid behind t......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Lion Looms Listless
...A cold lion roams, doctrinaire and sterile, The expanse of Africa offers him no sanctuary, the Saringehti no salvation, He can only smell the scent of his pride now, his cubs shun him, Repelled by......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, character,
Form: Epic
A Request
...I'm Arun Joy For discomfort you shall see Sombre, but I am ploy Never but I am 'we' Deem me arrogant for thine dreams I purview Gleaming relevant in sorrow streams I eschew In the class of chemis......Read the rest...
Categories: doctrinaire, depression, love, pain, stress,
Form: Rhyme

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